Sunday 22 December 2013

TNPSC Exam-GROUP – II - Subject wise analysed questions and Answers- Science-Part-3

TNPSC Exam-GROUP – II - Subject wise analysed questions and Answers- Science-Part-3

51.       Sulphide ores are concentrated by

            A)        hand picking
            B)        magnetic separation
            C)        gravity separation               
            D)        forth floatation

            Ans : (D)

52.       Pyrolusite in the mineral of

            A)        Mendelevium             B)        Molybdenum
            C)        Magnesium               D)        Manganese

            Ans : (d)

53.       An enhanced beam of monochromatic and coherent light is called

            A)        MASER                      B)        LASER
            C)        TESTER                    D)        MASTER

            Ans : (B)

54.       The oxidant used in the testing of alcohol in breath is

            A)        MnO2                          B)        KMnO4
            C)        K2Cr2O7                      D)        KNO3

            Ans : (C)

55.       The net resistance of a voltmeter should be large to ensure that

            A)        It does not get overheated
            B)        It does not draw excessive current
            C)        It can measure large potential differences
            D)        It does not change the potential difference to be measured

            Ans : (B)

56.       Consider the following statements:

            I.          Glucagon increases the blood sugar level
            II.         Glucagon lower the blood calcium level

            Of these

            A)        I and II are correct
            B)        I and II are wrong
            C)        I is correct but II is wrong
            D)        I is wrong but II is correct

            Ans : (C)

57.       Balbiani rings are found in

            A)        Sex chromosomes              
           B)       Allosomes
            C)        Autosomes
            D)        Polytene chromosomes                 

            Ans : (D)

58.       What is the respirator pigment found in human RBC?

            A)        Haemoglobin                                    B)        Hemeythrin
            C)        Haemocyanin                                   D)        Chlorocruorin

            Ans : (A)

59.       Who first reported the presence of respiratory centre which maintains and    controls the rate of respiration?

            A)        Mislavsky                                           B)        Collip
            C)        Bayliss                                               D)        Starling

            Ans : (C)

60.       Double helical model of DNA was discovered by

            A)        Watson and Crick
            B)        James and Meselon
            C)        Jacob and Monad
            D)        Wilkins and Levene

            Ans : (A)

61.       Which one of the following is not an output device?

            A)        Speaker                     B)        Computer monitor
            C)        CD                              D)        Laser printer             

            Ans : (C)

62.       Passage of waste product in the renal tubule is an example of

            A)        Diffusion                   B)        Osmosis
            C)        Active transport        D)        Passive transport

            Ans : (A)

63.       Organisms which eat other organisms are called

            A)        Consumers                           B)        Producers
            C)        Decomposer                         D)        Saprophytes

            Ans : (A)

64.       MS - DOS is the name of

            A)        A device
            B)        An application software
            C)        An operating system          
             D)        hardware

            Ans : (C)

Science – April 2010

65.       Positron was discovered by

            A)        Ruther ford                            B)        Dirac
            C)        Madam Curie                        D)        Chadwick

Ans : (B) 

66.       Floppy disk is a /an

            A)        storage device                  B)        input device
            C)        output device                     D)        input – output device

Ans : (D) 

67.       Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of

            A)        nuclear explosion                B)        nuclear fusion
            C)        nuclear fission                     D)        slow reaction

Ans : (B) 

68.       A source program is the program written in language

            A)        English                                  B)        Symbolic
            C)        High level                              D)        Machine

Ans : (C)

69.       Conversion of information to data will be in the forms of

            A)        integers                     
B)        rounded to 2 decimals
            C)        fractions                                
           D)       any of these

Ans : (D)

70.       The unit of capacitance is

            A)        Coulomb                    B)        farad
            C)        ohm                            D)        gram

Ans : (B)

71.       A collection of related data, that is, having a similar purpose is called as

            A)        database                                B)        record
            C)        structure                                D)        all of these

Ans : (A)

72.       The organism used by T.H. Morgan to study mutation was

            A)        Chlorella                                B)        Drosophila
            C)        Yeast                                      D)        Neurospora

Ans : (B)

73.       Which of the following acts as biological control organism against glycotoxin producing soil pathogens?

            A)        Trichoderma virens             
B)        Aspergillus niger
            C)        Pencillium notatum
            D)        Chaetomium globosum

Ans : (A)

74.       Which of the following has the smallest flower?

            A)        Wolffia microsscopic           B)        Canna indica
            C)        Azadircta indicaq                 D)        Pyrus malus

Ans : (A)

75.       The host cells in human physiological system for HIV causing AIDS are

            A)        T1 lymphocyte                      B)        T2 lymphocyte
            C)        T3 lymphocyte                      D)        T4 lymphocyte

Ans : (D)

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