Sunday 29 December 2013

TNPSC Exam-GROUP- IV - Subject wise analysed Previous Year questions and Answers-Science-Part-4

TNPSC Exam-GROUP- IV - Subject wise analysed Previous Year questions and Answers-Science-Part-4

                           (Special Exam – 2008)

74.       If there were no atmosphere, what would be the colour of the sky?

            A)        Blue                            B)        white
            C)        Red                             D)        Black

Ans : (D)

75.       Sun’s energy is produced by

            A)        nuclear fission                    
           B)         nuclear fusion
            C)        burning of gasses
D)        presence of hydrogen

Ans : (B)

76.       The widely used antibiotic Penicillin is produced by

            A)        an Alga                      B)        a Bacterium
            C)        a Fungus                   D)        a Plant

Ans : (C)

77.       Which is the largest single cell?

            A)        Ostrich egg                B)        Paramoecium
            C)        Euglena                     D)        Hydra

Ans : (A)

78.       The treatment given for kidney malfunctioning is

            A)        Dialysis                  B)        Acupuncture
            C)        EC.G.                     D)        Angioplasty

Ans : (A)

79.       The blood vessels which carry blood from heart are called

            A)        artery                          B)        vein
            C)        capillaries                  D)        vena cava

Ans : (A)

80.       The first set of teeth that appear in childhood are called

            A)        Canines                    B)        Milk teeth
            C)        Wisdom teeth          D)        Permanent teeth

Ans : (B)

81.       The fins that help in changing direction while swimming are

            A)        Dorsal fins                             B)        Pectoral fins
            C)        Pelvic fins                             D)        Caudal fins

Ans : (D)

82.       Culture of fish is called

            A)        Pisciculture              B)        Sericulture
            C)        Vermiculture            D)        Agriculture

Ans : (A)

83.       The functional unit of the skeletal muscle is

            A)        myosin                       B)        actin
            C)        sarcomere                 D)        myofibril

Ans : (C)

84.       In a plant cell D.N.A. is found in

            A)        chloroplast                B)        mitochondria
            C)        nucleus                     D)        all of these

Ans : (D)

85.       A plant cell is distinguished from an animal cell by the presence of

            A)        chromosome                         B)        cell wall
            C)        cell membrane                      D)        nucleus

Ans : (B)

86.       Which one of the following wavelengths of light is most effective in photosynthesis?

            A)        Blue                            B)        Green
            C)        Orange                       D)        Yellow

Ans : (A)

87.       The age of tree can be calculated by

            A)        measuring its height
            B)        measuring its diameter
            C)        analysis of its sap
D)        counting annual growth rings

Ans : (D)

88.       Epidermis, the outermost layer of leaf is perforated by small pores for gaseous exchange. These are called

            A)        hydathodes               B)        stigmata
            C)        stomata                      D)        stroma

Ans : (C)

89.       Joule’s law of heating is given by

            A)        H = IR2t                      B)        H = I2Rt2
            C)        H = I2Rt                      D)        H = IRt2

Ans : (C)

90.       The persistence of vision is

                         1                                                           3
            A)        32 s                                         B)        24 s

                         1                                                         1        
C)        16 s                                         D)        8 s

Ans : (C)

91.       The unit of latent heat of fusion is

            A)        J kg-1 K-1                     B)        J kg-1 K-1
            C)        J kg K-1                       D)        J K-1

Ans : (B)

92.       Which of the following is used as control rod in the nuclear reactor?

            A)        Cadmium                   B)        Boron
            C)        Hafnium                    D)        All of these

Ans : (D)

93.       The centripetal force required by a car of mass 500 kg which takes a round turn of redius 50 m with a velocity of 20 m s-1  is

            A)        4000 N                       B)        5000 N
            C)        200 N                         D)        1250 N

Ans : (A)

94.       Sodium carbonate is used in

            A)        softening of hard water
            B)        fire extinguishers
            C)        ceramic industries
D)        tanning industries

Ans : (A)

95.       In the following reaction copper is obtained as
            CuSO4 + Zn ® ZnSO4  + Cu ¯

            A)        gas                                          B)        liquid
            C)        solid                                        D)        precipitate

Ans : (D)

96.       Which one of the following is correctly matched?

            A)        Ammonia                   -           Allotropv
B)        Sulphuric acid          -           Dehydrating agent
            C)        Sulphur dioxide       -           Haber process                     
D)        Sulphur                     -           Lightest element

Ans : (B)

97.       An organic compound by the action of enzymes leads to the formation of smaller molecules. It is called

            A)        fermentation                B)        esterification
            C)        oxidation                     D)        dehydrogenation

Ans : (A)

98.       A catalyst used in the manufacture of ammonia by Haber process is

            A)        Copper
            B)        Iron
            C)        Cobalt                       
            D)        Ammonium chloride

Ans : (B)

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