Monday, 9 April 2012

Free Essays-Biotechnology-Rajiv Gandhi Centre of Biotechnology

Rajiv Gandhi Centre of Biotechnology

The advances made in science and technology over the years has helped one to delve deep into the intricacies of biotechnology. The country has got immense talent in the field of biotechnology, genetics, and molecular studies apart from other streams of science. In fact, these fields have proved their worth in rightly serving the humanity. For example, the Genetics has helped one to identify criminals who otherwise would have gone scot-free after committing a murder or theft. DNA fingerprinting technique can be used to clear disputed parentages. This has made court cases on marital disputes simpler considering the emotional tangles associated with such cases. Scientific research acting as a balm for miseries due to diseases and giving solace to the common man should be the motto of any research centre.

Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala, is such an autonomous research institute under the Science, Technology and Environment Department (STED) of the State government. It is also supported by the Department of Biotechnology of the Central Government. In January 2002, the Centre got its own building in Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram and on November 18, 2002 President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam dedicated it to the nation.


The Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology (C-DEST) was registered under the Travancore Cochin Literary and Scientific and Charitable Society on July 3, 1990. The name of the Centre was changed from C-DEST to Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Development of Education, Science & Technology (RGC-DEST) on August 29, 1991 and in the same year RGC-DEST became a Grant-in-aid institution of the State government. In 1997, the name of the Centre was changed from RGC-DEST to Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB).

The Centre has 20 core scientists led by the Director, Dr Raghava Varma Thampan. It offers referral diagnostic services for important human, animal and plant diseases. Research activities at the centre are focused on six major areas such as genetic basis of infectious diseases, Molecular endocrinology, Cancer Biology, Neuro-Biology, Peptide Chemistry and Plant Biology. The research students are selected from national stream of CSIR/UGC (NET) qualified candidates who hold Junior Research Fellowships.

Molecular Endocrinology

The molecular endocrinology group of RGCB headed by the Director Dr R. V. Thampan stresses on molecular biology of estrogen action giving specific attention to two proteins that belong to the steroid hormone receptor super family. An International Symposium on Steroid Hormone Receptor Super family and Molecular Signaling is planned at the RGCB in November this year. Thus a great exposure is awaiting Indian researchers and students as world-renowned scientists are expected to arrive for the symposium.

DNA Fingerprinting

The Centre has formal collaboration with the Police Department, Forensic Section and State Women’s Commission for DNA fingerprinting cases. DNA finger printing technology is used for determination of disputed parentage, proving rape cases and crime detection. The DNA fingerprinting section is headed by Dr Moinak Banerjee.

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the chemical basis of life that complexes with proteins to form chromosomes. The sequential arrangement of the individual nucleotides is responsible for giving uniqueness to any individual living form, be it humans, animals, plants, or microbes. DNA fingerprinting is a technique, by which an individual can be identified at molecular level. DNA profile of an individual is unique and can never be identical even in biologically related individuals. Any biological material such as a drop of blood, saliva, semen, and any body part such as bones, tissue, skull, teeth and hair with root found at the scene of crime can be used for DNA fingerprinting. In the case of identifying parentage, blood of father, mother and child are needed.

Nature has bestowed Kerala with a rich collection of medicinal plants and the traditional Ayurvedic physicians have tapped these resources for medical purposes. Research studies are going on in the Centre for identifying active agents responsible for the medicinal properties. The research on cattle and poultry vaccines under Animal Biotechnology will help immunise them from a variety of diseases. RGCB is now concentrating on research fields like Cancer Research, Molecular reproduction, Stem Cell Biology, Plant Molecular Biology, Animal Biotechnology and Peptide Chemistry. The Centre has been doing continuous research on detection of infectious diseases like tuberculosis, hepatitis C and cholera with great success. Researchers with fresh minds at the Centre are channeling their thoughts to use scientific technology for the benefit of mankind.

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