Wednesday, 11 April 2012

General Studies 2012 free model test 2- Part 4

General Studies 2012 free model test 2- Part 4

76. Which form of bioremediation is used to decontaminate an area using fungi?

a) Phytoremediation
b) Mycoremediation
c) Bioleaching
d) Bioventing

Answer: b

77. The amino acid that is responsible for burning fat without affecting the muscles while we are either at rest or while we are climbing higher altitudes is:

a) Isoleucine
b) Lysine
c) Leucine
d) Phenyalanine

Answer: c

78. Which of the following species maintain symbiotic relationship with Actinorhizal plants?

a) Azospirillum
b) Rhizobium
c) Frankia
d) Arbuscular Mycorrhizae

Answer: c

79. Radioactive Iodine – Select the incorrect statement.

a) Intake to be effective, the patients should have an increase in Thyrotropin levels in blood.
b) I -131 is costlier and hence it is less preferred nowadays.
c) I-131 is a major fission product of Uranium, Plutonium and Thorium
d) More than 35 isotopes of iodine are present of which I 127 is the most stable.

Answer: b

80. In which type of the given tears, nearly 98%of it is water without much of proteins like prolactin or adrenocorticotrophic hormones?

a) Constant tears
b) Emotional Tears
c) Reflex Tears
d) None

Answer: c

81. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the Hepatitis Virus?

a) Hepatitis B and C virus infection could spread through blood transfusion or from mother to child during delivery or through organ transplantation.
b) Hepatitis A and E are highly infectious.
c) Hepatitis B and C are self limiting.
d) Hepatitis C virus can be prevented by vaccine.

Answer: a

82. With regard to Diabetes – select the correct statement:

a) Type 1 diabetes occurs when there is Insulin Resistance despite plenty of insulin around.
b) Type 2 diabetes occurs when the Pancreas is destroyed by the body’s own autoantibodies
c) Type1 develops above the age of 35 and Type 2 develops when the individual is below 20.
d) HbA1C test is a tool to identify people at high risk of diabetes.

Answer: d

83. Select the incorrect statement with regard to Rare Earth elements:

1) They are a group of 17 lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium.
2) Despite their name, they are relatively plentiful in the Earth’s crust.
3) They are ubiquitous in today’s gadgets.
4) Their Geochemical properties make them present in concentrated and economically exploitable form.
a) 1 and 4      
b) 1,2 and 4  
c) 2 alone      
d) 1 alone.

Answer: a

84. Data transfer through optical fibres without loss of data is possible because of:

 a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Dispersion
d) Total Internal Reflection

Answer: d

85. Diclofenac – that had an adverse effect on cattle population can be put to use as:

a) Analgesic
b) Inflammatory disorders
c) To treat Dysmenorrhea
d) All

Answer: d

86. A: Bigger a Communication Satellite, the more effective it will be.
      R: GSLV which launches small communication satellites is not attractive.

a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation for A
b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation for A
c) A is correct, but R is incorrect.
d) A is incorrect, but R is correct

Answer: c

87. Spirulina, Chlorella, Methylophilus – are commonly used as:

a) Research species in Biotechnology.
b) Single cell proteins
c) Both a and b
d) None

Answer: b

88. A: Honey is Hygroscopic and would be adverse to microorganisms as their cells are prone to dry to death.

R: The water content is low in honey.
a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation for A.
b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is correct, R is incorrect.
d) A is incorrect and R is correct.

Answer: a

89. Select the correct statement regarding Encephalitis:

a) The Japanese Encephalitis is a viral epidemic disease.
b) There are various types of Encephalitis - can be water borne, due to virus or bacteria, caused by mosquite bite etc.
 c) Encephalitis causes inflammation of the liver.
d) Pig farms have to be located inside the communities as they would stop the spreading of the disease.

Answer: b

90. When Sodium Carbonate decahydrate is kept opened, the water molecules evaporate and the substance crumbles to a powder. This is termed as:

a) Deliquescence
b) Efflorescence
c) Oxidation
d) Reduction

Answer: b

91. A process by which a metal absorbs large volume of gases is called:

a) Catenation
b) Occlusion
c) Resonance
d) Isomorphism.

Answer: b

92. Chloroform – a trihalomethane. Select the correct statement regarding it.

a) In the presence of air and sunlight, It would slowly turn into Phosgene which is extremely poisonous.
b) Losses its effectiveness when stored for a longer time.
c) It is not a good solvent.
d) All the above.

Answer: a

93. The Platinum Group of Elements (PGE):

a) Comprise of 5 platinoids – Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Osmium and Platinum.
b) Have similar physical and chemical properties but never occur together in the same mineral deposits.
c) A few PGE’s are formed as Fission products in nuclear reactors.
d) They are easily attacked by chemicals and hence have minimal industrial applications.

Answer: c

94. Athletes and Non- athletes hearts have different efficiency. Which statement is correct regarding them.

a) The Stroke Volume is greater for an athlete.
b) The Cardiac Output is greater for an athlete.
c) The number of times the heart beats per minute is greater for an athlete.
d) The Stroke volume as well as the Cardiac Output is lesser for an athlete.

Answer: a

95. In which of the following cases are the human bones considered to be most fragile.

a) Osteoporosis
b) Osteopenia
c) Osteoarthritis
d) Rheumatoid Arthritis

Answer: a

96. Select the incorrect statement with regard to Trojans

a) They are asteroids that are locked in stable orbits by gravitational balancing between a planet and the sun.
b) They are comets that have come very close to Earth recently.
c) Trojans are already observed in Jupiter, Neptune and Mars.
d) The NEOWISE mission of NASA has identified many Earth Trojans recently.

Answer: b

97. If large amounts of nutrients like Nitrogen are released into a water body, the presence of nutrients would be maximum in which of the following species?

a) Phytoplanktons and zooplanktons
b) Small fishes
c) Big fishes
d) Birds that eat the big fishes

Answer: d

98. Select the Correct Statement with regard to European Pressurised Reactor or Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR).

a) It uses MOX fuel which is a mix of Uranium and Tritium.
b) Heavy water is used as the Moderator.
c) Heavy Water is used as the Coolant.
d) It is developed by France and India has signed to build 6 EPR’s in Jaitapur in Maharashtra.

Answer: d

99. Nexavar – the cancer treatment drug was in news recently. Identify the incorrect statement.

a) It is used for the treatment of advanced stages of liver and kidney cancer.
b) It is chemically Sorafenib Tosylate.
c) Chemically it is Imatinib Mesylate.
d) It is developed jointly by Bayer and Onyx pharmaceuticals/

Answer: c

100. Which one of the following is not a sugar free sweet substitute?
a) Aspartame
b) Cyclamate
c) Stevia
d) None.

Answer: d

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