Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Civil Services Exam 2012-General Studies Paper I – Model Test 6

 Civil Services Exam 2012-General Studies Paper I – Model Test 6- Part 2

26.   Consider the following

1. Sikkim is the smallest state by area and it is bounded by Nepal and Bhutan in west and east respectively.
2.  Cheraw is the most colourful and distinctive dance of the Nagas tribe in the state Nagaland.
3. Goa is a former Portuguese colony and it is India’s richest state with GDP per capita more than the country as a whole.
Which is/are correct?
Correct Statements

(a)    1 & 3                     (c) 3 only
(b)   1 & 2                     (d) 1, 2, 3


27.      Which of the following statements is correct regarding NUHM?

1. NUHM was launched in the 11th five year plan to meet the health needs of the urban poor, particularly the slum dwellers.
2. It seeks to revitalize local health traditions and mainstream AYUSH into the public health system.
3. NUHM will seek to build a bridge of NGO-GO partnership and develop community level monitoring of resources and their rightful use.

(a)    1, 2, 3                   (c) 1 & 3
(b)   2 & 3                     (d) 3 only


28.      Consider the following

1. A megacity is usually defined as a metropolitan area with a total population in excess of one crore people.
2. Delhi and Mumbai are the only megacities in India.
Correct Statements

(a)    1 only                    (c) Both 1 & 2
(b)   2 only                    (d) Neither 1 nor 2


29. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

1.  The National Rainfed Area Authority is under the Ministry of Environment and Forest.
2.  The Minister of Agriculture is the Chairman of the Governing Board and the Minister of Rural Development is the co-chairman.
Correct Statements

(a)    1 only                    (c) Both 1 & 2
(b)   2 only                    (d) Neither 1 nor 2


30. Consider the following

1.Task force on transfer of direct subsidy in the case of Fertilizers, LPG and kerosene was constituted under the chairmanship of Shri Nandan Nilekani.
2.The task force has recommended the setting up of a mobile-based Fertilizer Management System (mFMS).
3. The Food Corporation of India was setup under the Food Corporation Act, in order to fulfill objectives of the Distribution of foodgrains throughout the country for public distribution system.
Correct Statements

(a)    1 only                    (c) 2 only
(b)   2 & 3                     (d) 1, 2, 3


31.Under New Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011 plastic carry bags shall not be less than.... in thickness

(a)    20 microns                       (c) 40 microns
(b)    60 microns                       (d) 10 microns


32.In which one of the following list of schedules does the Social Forestry and Farm Forestry is found?

(a)    6th Schedule        (c) 7th Schedule
(b)    11th Schedule      (d) 12th Schedule


33.A new line of political activity to keep up the spirit of resistance to colonial rule was advocated by C.R.Das and Motilal Nehru after the withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1922. Which of the following statements related to this is/are correct?

1. C.R.Das and Motilal Nehru suggested that the nationalists should end the boycott of the legislative councils.
2. Das and Motilal Nehru resigned from their respective offices in the congress and announced the formation of the Congress-Khilafat Swaraj party.
3. The adherents of the council entry programme came to be popularly known as pro-changers and those advocating boycott of the council as no changers.
4.Gandhi signed a joint statement with Das and Motilal that the Swaraj Party would carry on work in the legislatures on behalf of congress and as an integral part of the congress.

(a)    1 & 3                     (c) 1, 3, 4       
(b)   1, 2, 3, 4               (d) 2, 3, 4


34. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. India signed and approved the Kyoto Protocol in the year of 2002.
2.The developed countries have to reduce their emissions 5.2% below their 1990 baseline over the 2008 to 2012 period.
3.The Green Climate Fund was floated at Copenhagen Summit and adopted at Cancun summit in 2010.
4.  India has the largest share of Carbon Credit Market which is followed by China.

(a)    1 & 2 only             (c) 1, 2, 3
(b)   1 & 3 only             (d) 1, 2, 4


35.Which of the following statements is correct regarding “Malabar Mappilas” Rebellion?

1.   In 19th Century as well, there had been cases of Mappilla resistance to landlord oppression but what erupted in 1921 was on a different scale.
2.  In the first stage of the rebellion, targets of the attack were the unpopular landlords, mostly Hindu.
3.This Peasant Movement were closely linked with the politics at the national level and the impetus had come from the Home Rule Leagues and later from the Khilafat movement
4.The arrest of the prominent khilafat and congress leaders like Gopala Menon, Moideen Koya resulted in the leadership passing into the hands of the local Mappilla leaders.

(a)    1, 2, 3, 4               (c) 1, 2, 4
(b)   2 & 4                     (d) 1 & 3


36.  Consider the following and identify the correct one?

(a)    Pollution Control Research Institute, Hardwar
(b)    National Environment Protection Training and Research Institute Hyderabad
(c)    Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI), Bengaluru
(d)    All the above


37.  The national anthem Jana-gana-mana was first sung at the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress on 27 December 1911. Who was the viceroy of India during this time?

(a)    Lord Birkenhead (c) Lord Minto
(b)    Lord Hardinge     (d) Lord Chelmsford


38.  Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched?

(a)    Dibru Saiokhowa National Park : Assam
(b)    Rani Jhansi Marine National Park: Andaman and Nicobar Island
(c)    Lohabarrack Crocodile Sanctuary: Mizoram
(d)    Purna Wildlife Sanctuary: Gujarat


39.  Which is correctly matched?

(a)    World Ozone Day: 16th September
(b)    World Forest Day: 21st March
(c)    World Earth Day: 22nd  April
(d)    All the above


40.  Which of the following statements is correct? In the Budget 2012-13 all services in the negative list are exempted from service tax.

1.    It will help the Government to increase its tax revenue. And it is process towards DTC and GST.
2.  The negative list will reduce the complications of government in the process of including a service into tax regime and to give exemption for a service.
3.      The negative list comprises 17 heads which also includes services required for cultivation, breeding, production, processing or marketing up to the stage the produce is sold in the primary markets.

(a)    1 only                    (c) 3 only
(b)   1 & 2                     (d) 1, 2, 3


41.  Which one of the following reserves is correctly matched?

(a)    Mukundara Hills : Rajasthan
(b)    Pilibhit : Orissa
(c)    Ratapani: Uttar Pradesh
(d)    Sunabeda: Madhya Pradesh


42. In which of the following regions of world do the group of people called as “Inuits” inhabit?

(a)    Artic                      (c) Antartic
(b)    North Africa          (d) Pacific Islands


43. Which of the following statements is correct? In British India, there was the protest and fight to secure Press freedom.

1. In 1824, Raja Ram Mohan Roy had protested against  a regulation restricting  the freedom of the Press
2. Swadesamitran under the editorship of G. Subramaniaya Iyer, Kesari under Tilak, Bengalee under S.N.Banerjea, Indian mirror under N.N.Sen, Amrita Bazar Patrika under C.R.Das and Motilal Nehru  were powerful newspapers emerged during 60s to 80s of 19th century.
3.There had existed since  Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code according to which ‘whoever attempts to excite feelings of disaffection to the government established by law ‘ was to be punished with transportation of life or imprisonment.
4. During Lord Lytton’s administration, the vernacular press act, directed against the Indian newspapers, was conceived in great secrecy and passed at a single sitting of the imperial legislative assembly.

(a)    2 & 4                     (c) 2, 3, 4
(b)   1, 2, 3                   (d) 1 & 3


44.  Which one of the following is not correct?

(a)    Malé Declaration : Air pollution
(b)    Basel Convention: Hazardous Materials
(c)    Bonn Convention: CITES
(d)    Stockholm Convention: Organic Pollutants


45.  Which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. The DTH service which give multi-channel programmes operated in the Ku Band by using a satellite system.
2.Doordarshan is the world’s largest terrestrial broadcaster. It has terrestrial TV transmitters located throughout the country covering 90% of Indi’s geographical area.
3.      “Bhili” is the first FM community radio in tribal dialect in Western Madhya Pradesh.

(a)    1 & 2 only             (c) 1 only
(b)   3 only                    (d) 1, 2, 3


46.  Consider the following statements regarding World Food Prize

1.It was instituted in 1987 by Nobel Peace Prize winner and father of the Green Revolution Norman Borlaug.
2. M.S.Swaminathan of India – the winner of the first ever WFP award.
3.John Agyekum  Kufuor  and  Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva got the award for 2011 and they are first among the winners who are non academicians/scientists.
Correct statements

(a)    3 only                    (c) 1 & 2
(b)   1 & 3 only             (d) 1, 2, 3


47.  Which of the following statements is/are true?

1. The newspaper Yugantar was involved in anti-partition campaign
2. In 1904 a secret society of revolutionaries named Abhinav Bharat was organised by Har Dayal

(a)    1 only                    (c) Both 1 & 2
(b)   2 only                    (d) Neither 1 nor 2


48.  Consider the following and identify the wrong the statement

(a)    The National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) has been constituted as per the provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 in 2003.
(b)    NBWL is headed by the Union Minister for Environment and Forests
(c)    Project Elephant (PE) was launched by the Government of India in the year 1991- 92 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme
(d)    There are 30 reserves under the Project Elephant


49.  Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched?

(a)    Hoolock Gibbon: Arunachal Pradesh
(b)    Golden Langur: Assam
(c)    Blyth's Tragopan: Nagaland
(d)    Indian Pangolin: Mehalaya


50.  Consider the following

1.   Wildlife Institute of India conducts study on Red Panda for duration of two year.
2. The Wildlife Institute of India has completed the studbook project for 14 endangered species on preparing and maintenance of the studbooks or breed registry.
Correct statement

(a)    1 only                    (c) Both 1 & 2
(b)    2 only                    (d) Neither 1 nor 2


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