candidates whose Register Numbers mentioned below are provisonally selected for
admission to the Main Written Examination for appointment by direct recruitment
SERVICES based on the results of the Preliminary Examination conducted by
the Commission on 16.02.2013 FN. They have to send by post as well as upload
the certificates in support of their claims (viz Educational Qualification,
Date of Birth, Gender, Community, PSTM Status etc) made in their online
application along with a copy of online application on or before 07.06.2013
without fail.
who do not send and upload one/more of the documents mentioned above will
entitle summary rejection of his/her application. Any false claim made by the
candidates will be viewed seriously and is liable for penal action to be initiated
by the Commission against them besides rejection of their application.
case of failure to upload the documents and/or in case any rejection of
applications an additional provisional list of candidates to be admitted to the
Main Written Examination will be subsequently published. Such candidates will
be admitted to Main Written Examination after verification of documents to be
submitted within the prescribed period.
00101123 00101194 00101229 00102054
00102155 00102179
00102187 00102208 00102210 00102242
00102250 00102258
00102272 00103004 00103052 00103069
00103083 00103100
00103115 00103156 00103190 00103260
00103287 00104073
00104081 00104147 00104192 00104232
00104241 00105054
00105069 00105119 00105124 00105142
00105149 00105157
00105161 00105198 00105206 00105242
00105248 00105264
00105279 00105284 00106083 00106137
00106211 00106231
00106237 00106293 00107108 00107118
00107186 00108049
00108069 00108075 00108087 00108207
00108236 00108284
00109004 00109013 00109024 00109141
00109152 00109241
00109267 00109293 00110007 00110122
00110129 00110136
00110162 00110247 00110251 00110276 00110300
00111080 00111122 00111125 00111150
00111190 00111211
00111220 00111227 00111228 00112016
00112028 00112060
00112102 00112235 00112237 00112299
00113032 00113080
00113105 00113112 00113178 00113217
00113286 00114039
00114056 00114081 00114086 00114119
00114124 00114136
00114152 00114154 00114196 00114254
00114298 00115004
00115060 00115077 00115101 00115124
00115261 00116046
00116118 00116163 00116181 00116184
00116212 00116285
00116287 00117015 00117052 00117104
00117112 00117152
00117275 00118042 00118058 00118103
00118189 00118206
00118240 00118251 00119012 00119028
00119103 00120003
00120078 00120109 00120165 00120170
00120225 00120234
00121037 00121074 00121088 00121127
00121132 00121156
00121186 00121195 00121229 00121253
00122020 00122068
00122197 00122206 00122243 00122245
00122261 00122267
00122281 00123013 00123020 00123037
00123070 00123126
00123228 00123247 00124036 00124056
00124069 00124174
00124206 00124213 00124240 00124257
00124382 00125018
00125053 00125060 00125182 00125187 00125202
00125227 00126014 00126015 00126048
00126148 00126169
00126186 00126206 00126262 00127066
00127073 00127083
00127135 00127186 00127263 00127294
00128018 00128022
00128068 00128084 00128102 00128114
00128141 00128150
00128153 00128198 00128208 00128246
00129003 00129108
00129155 00129158 00129161 00129201
00129215 00129266
00129283 00130036 00130088 00130099
00130136 00130155
00130191 00130200 00131019 00131031
00131063 00131078
00131104 00131124 00131135 00131268
00132015 00132016
00132022 00132050 00132052 00132156
00132217 00132236
00132293 00133199 00133200 00133204
00133211 00133216
00133232 00133246 00133278 00134141
00134142 00134183
00134207 00134224 00134228 00135153
00136030 00136038
00136051 00136071 00136087 00136097 00137004
00137086 00137100 00137104 00137108
00137112 00137142
00137147 00137169 00137205 00137239
00138018 00138025
00138035 00138101 00138209 00138240
00138280 00139017
00139095 00139126 00139180 00139234
00139291 00140006
00140154 00140162 00140165 00140248
00141003 00141037
00141038 00141060 00141094 00141146
00141152 00141197
00141257 00141265 00141293 00142035
00142043 00142046
00142048 00142085 00142161 00142178
00142231 00143036
00143039 00143087 00143155 00143222
00143243 00143269
00143295 00144048 00144074 00144083
00144086 00144109
00144229 00144233 00144236 00144276
00145032 00145050
00145052 00145071 00145113 00145171
00145178 00145262
00146027 00146043 00146109 00146167
00146172 00146264
00146272 00147041 00147050 00148024
00148134 00148141
00148197 00148231 00148256 00148278
00148300 00149002
00149029 00149120 00149157 00149177
00149195 00149210
00149252 00150010 00150045 00150098
00150128 00150135
00150190 00150216 00150223 00150232
00150257 00151012
00151015 00151027 00151058 00151063 00151098
00151145 00151170 00151189 00152015
00152034 00152046
00152063 00152081 00152116 00152146
00152170 00152208
00152271 00153019 00153059 00153064
00153086 00153092
00153117 00153146 00153167 00153232
00153290 00154070
00154082 00154120 00154139 00154142
00154156 00154258
00154274 00154284 00154288 00155008
00155036 00155048
00155084 00155103 00155195 00155203
00155236 00156067
00156154 00156166 00156175 00156209
00156286 00157014
00157097 00157200 00158066 00158128 00158132
00158185 00158232 00158242 00158254
00158289 00158384
00158395 00159012 00159033 00159065
00159109 00159112
00159135 00159152 00159192 00159202
00160018 00160038
00160072 00160128 00160160 00160180
00160211 00160247
00160262 00160276 00160278 00160300
00161064 00161090
00161189 00161199 00161222 00162036
00162044 00162046
00162057 00162074 00162075 00162206
00162230 00162241
00162273 00163075 00163092 00163117
00164017 00164022
00164032 00164043 00164086 00164210
00164213 00164229
00164260 00164287 00165213 00165257
00165267 00166017
00166133 00166172 00166180 00166181
00167097 00167106
00167121 00167147 00167222 00167260
00167287 00168002
00168047 00168076 00168112 00169007
00169134 00169202
00169282 00170009 00170073 00170076
00170079 00170089
00170105 00170139 00170172 00170233
00170250 00171059
00171137 00171145 00171150 00171151
00171168 00171253
00171264 00172004 00172014 00172071
00172105 00172228
00172244 00173014 00173051 00173074
00173112 00173149
00173152 00173182 00173200 00173231 00173252
00173290 00173292 00174006 00174040
00174098 00174190
00174227 00175105 00175158 00176164
00176178 00177005
00177038 00177140 00177195 00177227
00177230 00177282
00177291 00178039 00178047 00178050
00178090 00178091
00178143 00179035 00179102 00179111
00179201 00179234
00180014 00180018 00180077 00180142
00180169 00180227
00180238 00181043 00181097 00181153
00181184 00181195
00181254 00181274 00182038 00182099
00182146 00183023
00183028 00183104 00183176 00183230
00184060 00184099
00184140 00184152 00184225 00184242
00185048 00185183
00185198 00185265 00186065 00186081
00186093 00187042
00187045 00187062 00187082 00187159
00187168 00187228
00187293 00188011 00188026 00188132
00188150 00188218
00189068 00189136 00189227 00189299 00190033
00190104 00190142 00190179 00190197
00190220 00190227
00190238 00190249 00191080 00191198
00191239 00191253
00192004 00192110 00192112 00192115
00192148 00192166
00192208 00192216 00192226 00192232
00201132 00203186
00203235 00203265 00204049 00204050
00204103 00204107
00204226 00205195 00205264 00206155
00206296 00207125
00207184 00207231 00208020 00209022
00209043 00209051
00209076 00209141 00209209 00209266
00209283 00210063
00210246 00211184 00212006 00212010
00212206 00213014
00213058 00213147 00214142 00215014
00215033 00215041
00215289 00216188 00217097 00219025
00220001 00220045
00220112 00220295 00221187 00222178
00222184 00401082
00402241 00402279 00403099 00403280
00404072 00404260
00406243 00407050 00408213 00408229
00409178 00409226
00410085 00410113 00411045 00411137
00411243 00412076
00413090 00414038 00414058 00414069
00501065 00501218
00502188 00503028 00503260 00504001
00504055 00504248
00505018 00505106 00505232 00505351
00507044 00507240
00507298 00508160 00601042 00601228 00602044
00603016 00603083 00603086 00603096
00604083 00604138
00604159 00604169 00604212 00604232
00605088 00605221
00605253 00606111 00606197 00607076
00607156 00608094
00608123 00608241 00609003 00609201
00610011 00610299
00612115 00612176 00612192 00613086
00613215 00613292
00614099 00614202 00614208 00614280
00701095 00701266
00701289 00702038 00702176 00702248
00702286 00703033
00703231 00703243 00703267 00703271
00704108 00704229
00704267 00705189 00706053 00706060 00706205
00707163 00707172 00707219 00707234
00708255 00709001
00709034 00709100 00709183 00709204
00710009 00710061
00710233 00711068 00711223 00711263
00712048 00713194
00713220 00714003 00714006 00714036
00714111 00714167
00714174 00715009 00715023 00715098
00902241 00903050
00904126 00904187 01001267 01002048
01002126 01002131
01002249 01003081 01004073 01005006
01005010 01005024
01005045 01005092 01005129 01005324
01005396 01006108
01006161 01006264 01008134 01008175
01010017 01010045
01010243 01012209 01012253 01012323
01013032 01013045
01013145 01013235 01014017 01014207
01015259 01017079
01017144 01017222 01017279 01018010
01018065 01018252
01018292 01018312 01018338 01018387
01018388 01019180
01019193 01019278 01020010 01020092
01020189 01020201
01021169 01022076 01022160 01024012
01024056 01024247
01025289 01102135 01102224 01103031
01103123 01105201
01201017 01201039 01201157 01201237
01202045 01203118
01204010 01204131 01204139 01204146
01204269 01204282
01205235 01205243 01206063 01206250 01206298
01207059 01207062 01207073 01207078
01207136 01208189
01208270 01209032 01209152 01209177
01209252 01210008
01210113 01210233 01210290 01211020
01212038 01401133
01402291 01402295 01404106 01404174
01405169 01405224
01502291 01503108 01504247 01505188
01506038 01506135
01506153 01506242 01507003 01507240
01601064 01602049
01602132 01604035 01604055 01604272
01605286 01606101
01606143 01701118 01703095 01703113
01704009 01705006
01706074 01706263 01707011 01707147
01708032 01708038
01708123 01708153 01708276 01710028
01711126 01711234
01712255 01713142 01713292 01714002
01714030 01714205
01715033 01715142 01717063 01717153
01717185 01717205
01718271 01720107 01721247 01722126
01722292 01723030
01723077 01723298 01724042 01724228 01725210
01725295 01726224 01726234 01726244
01726289 01727056
01727156 01727162 01728104 01728120
01801333 01802004
01802153 01901093 01902180 01902282
01903039 01903072
01903116 01903228 01903232 01904236
01905098 01905227
01905234 01906071 01906082 01906246
01907162 01907291
01908195 01910092 01912053 02001122
02001197 02001247
02001259 02002003 02002258 02003075
02003080 02006185
02007172 02007205 02008019 02008216
02008231 02101141
02102008 02102263 02104042 02104069
02104082 02104100
02104153 02104162 02104163 02104216
02104251 02104285
02105242 02106044 02106058 02106153
02107046 02202151
02204105 02205100 02206030 02206076
02206166 02206273
02207005 02207010 02207060 02207122
02207248 02208144
02208197 02208210 02302040 02302092
02304211 02401037
02401060 02401155 02401202 02402044
02403219 02403229
02404168 02405055 02405163 02405174
02405189 02501018
02501250 02502025 02502047 02503262
02504050 02505023
02505057 02505253 02506112 02506186
02507088 02507209
02507215 02507266 02509085 02509192 02511107
02512094 02512279 02512282 02513052
02513147 02513183
02514040 02514102 02514148 02515138
02515224 02516047
02516055 02516127 02517119 02517215
02518235 02518242
02518270 02519137 02520009 02521058
02521082 02601177
02602255 02603003 02603061 02603198
02603211 02604068
02604069 02604085 02604291 02605245
02605261 02605269
02606062 02606083 02606202 02607277
02608036 02608300
02609142 02609185 02609194 02609286
02609368 02610282
02611090 02611399 02612120 02613026 02614072
02615202 02615208 02615292 02615355
02616068 02616264
02616276 02616309 02701110 02701252
02702050 02703119
02706300 02707216 02708045 02708143
02709087 02709152
02709248 02711237 02711241 02711257
02712186 02712287
02713066 02713234 02714011 02714166
02714205 02715037
02715249 02801212 02802035 02802059
02802129 02802158
02802247 02802269 02803011 02805053
02806259 02807100
02807117 02807145 02808012 02808272
02809028 02809116
02810287 02811160 02811295 02812022
02812126 02813257
02814212 02815292 02816111 02816194
02817026 02817118
02817245 02818283 02820234 02820243
02820249 02820269
02821045 02821111 02901055 02901205
02903065 02903126
02903223 02905059 02905099 02906007
02906032 02906140
02906245 02906250 02908033 02908191
02909003 02909212
02909273 02910033 02910171 02910186
02910274 02911114
02911177 02911188 03001268 03002039
03002291 03003053
03004278 03101039 03101185 03106001
03106021 03108132
03109295 03202266 03203035 03203075
03203190 03203292
03203391 03203400 03204067 03204288 03205283
03207033 04999589 10403042 10403103
10403134 10406126
10406152 10406192 10409049 10409064
10409221 10409290
10410163 10410224 10410294 10412124
10412195 10414056
10414174 11902092 11902149 11903030
11903080 11903163
11904086 11904097 11904154 11904246
11906160 11906206
11908195 11908200 13801194 AND 13801341
result of the candidates with the following register numbers is WITHHELD subject to final outcome of
the Writ Petitions filed by them before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras or
Judicature at Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court.
00166004 00192089 01014150 01105188
02208158 AND 02715184
Mere inclusion of the Register Numbers of candidates will not imply that
his/her candidature has been fully cleared by the Commission.
The candidates whose Register numbers are found in the above list have been
admitted PROVISIONALLY to the Main Written Examination based on the marks
obtained by them in the Preliminary Examination and with reference to the rule
of reservation of appointments in 1:50 ratio. However with reference to para
22(a) of the Commission’s Instructions etc., to Candidates, the candidates who
have secured the same marks as that of the cut-off marks of their respective
reservation groups, have also been admitted to the Main Written Examination
though the number of candidates exceed 1:50 ratio in the reservation group
The admission of the candidates whose Register numbers are found in the above
list for admission to the Main Written Examination is based on the particulars furnished
in their applications such as age, educational qualification, community etc.,
subject to verification/ acceptance of certain documents, educational qualification
possessed by him/her, clarification regarding community status and its
acceptance etc., as the case may be, wherever necessary. If any of their claims
are found to be false or incorrect, their candidature is liable for rejection
at any point of time.
The candidates who have appeared for the Preliminary Examination and whose
Register Numbers are not found in the above list have not been admitted to the
Main Written Examination and separate communication in this regard will not be
sent to those candidates.
The admission of the above candidates to the Main Written Examination is purely
provisional subject to the final orders to be passed by the Hon’ble High Court
of Judicature at Madras relating to this recruitment and any other cases
pending in the Hon’ble High Court, Madras / Madurai Bench of Madras High Court.
Chennai - 600 006.
Dated 16th May 2013
Congrats to all those who have cleared and Best wishes to my Husband as well :)