TNPSC Group I Exam-Previous Year Question Paper-Subject wise Analysed Questions-Mental Ability-Part 8

189. The area of an equilateral triangle is 400 √3
sq. m. Its perimeter is

1 x 1
3 3 1

191. the simplified value of 1
1 1 - 9 is
176. A man bought two hens at the same price and
sold one at a gain 20% and other at the loss of 20%. On the whole the man will
A) gain B) lose
C) neither gain nor lose D) None of these
Answer : (C)
177. If A’s income is 10% more than B, how much %
is B’s income less than A?

A) 9 11 % B) 10
C) 11% D) 13%
Answer : (A)
178. Three pipes A,B and C can fill a cistern in
6 hours. After working at it together for 2 hours. C is closed and A and B can
fill the remaining part
in 7 hours. The number of
hours taken by C alone to fill the cistern is
A) 12 B) 14
C) 16 D) 18
Answer : (B)
179. Average marks scored by a class of 31
students is 40. If one student is left out. the average falls to 39. Marks of
this child is
A) 60 B) 41
C) 70 D) 39
Answer : (C)
180. Find the missing term in the following
1,1,2,3,5,8…… ? ….. 21.
A) 7 B) 12
C) 13 D) 15
Answer : (C)
181. The area of a circle whose radius is 7 feet
is equal to the area of a rectangle whose length is 7 feet. The breath of the
rectangle is
A) 7 B) 49
C) 22 D) 14
Answer : (C)
182. A sum of money becomes Rs. 13,380 after 3
years and Rs. 20,070 after 6 years on compound interest. The sum (in Rupees)
A) 8800 B) 8890
C) 8920 D) 9040
Answer : (C)
183. The average age of A, B and C is 70 years. What is the age of B if the ratio
of their ages is 3:7:5, respectively
A) 98 B) 84
C) 70 D) 42
Answer : (A)
184. Simple interest on a certain sum of the rate
of 20% per annum for a period of 8 years amount to Rs. 10,960/- What is the
original sum of money?
A) Rs. 6,500 B) Rs. 7,800
C) Rs. 8,000 D) Rs.
Answer : (D)
185. 20 women do a work in 18 days . How many
days would 15 women take to complete the work?
A) 24 B) 22
C) 12 D) 20
Answer : (A)
TNPSC Group I Exam-1996
186. The average weight of a group of 25 boys was
calculated to be 30 kg . It was later discovered that one weight was misread by
as 25 kg instead of
35 kg. Then the correct
average is
A) 30.0 kg B) 30.2 kg
C) 30.4 kg D) 31.0 kg
Answer : (C)
187. In the triangles AFE €r ADC, DC is parallel to FE. AD = DF, DC = 4
DF = 3. The value of FE is
A) 4 B) 6
C) 7 D) 8
Answer : (D)
188. Diameter of a wheel is 3 cm. The wheel
revolves 28 times in a minute. To cover 5.280 km distance, the wheel will take

(Take p = 7
A) 10 minutes B) 20 minutes
C) 30 minutes D) 40
Answer : (B)

A) 120 m B) 150 m
C) 90 m D) 135 m
Answer : (A)
190. Find the missing term in the following
series :
81, 9, 64, 8, 49, 7, 36, 6, 25, ?
A) 3 B) 5
C) 7 D) 10
Answer : (B)

3 ÷ 3
of 3

A) 0 B) 1
C) 1 D) 1
3 9
Answer : (A)
192. The original price of a washing machine is
Rs. 6,000/- If the price is discounted at 20% and then raised to 10% for
service contract, then the price charged is
A) Rs. 4,200 B) Rs. 5,100
C) Rs. 5,280 D) Rs.
Answer : (C)
193. A boat moves downstream at the rate of 8
kmph and upstream at the rate of 5 kmph. The speed of the boat in still water
A) 6 kmph B) 6.5 kmph
C) 7 kmph D) 7.5 kmph
Answer : (B)
194. Rs. 1,000 is to be divided among A,B and C
such that A gets twice as B and B gets thrice as C. The share of C is
A) Rs. 50 B) Rs. 100
C) Rs. 125 D) Rs. 200
Answer : (B)
195. A person borrowed Rs. 2,500 from two money -
lenders . For one loan he paid 8% per annum simple interest and for the other
he paid 6% per annum simple interest . If he paid Rs. 180 as total interest for
one year, how much did he borrow at 8%
A) Rs. 1,000 B) Rs. 1,200
C) Rs. 1,300 D) Rs.
Directions (Qns.11 to 14): the following
questions are based on the pie - chart given below. Study the pie - chart and
answer the questions.
: (D)
196.The central angle for the sector on
“paper -cost” is

A) 22 2 B) 16°
C) 54.8° D) 36°
Answer : (D)
197. If the “ printing Cost” - is Rs. 17,500, the
royalty paid is
A) Rs. 8750 B) Rs. 7500
C) Rs. 3150 D) Rs. 6300
Answer : (B)
198. If the “miscellaneous expenses” are Rs.
6000. How much more are “Binding and cutting charges” than “Royalty”?
A) Rs. 6000 B) Rs. 5500
C) Rs. 4500 D) Rs. 10,500
Answer : (C)
199. The central corresponding to the sector on “
printing cost” is more than that of “ Advertisement Charges” by?
A) 72° B) 61.2°
C) 60° D) 54.8°
Answer : (B)
200. The median of the set of observation :
27, 36, 28, 18, 35, 26, 20, 35, 40,
26, 50 is
A) 20 B) 26
C) 27 D) 28
Answer : (D)
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