Special instructions to Candidates for Conventional type papers
1. Articles
permitted inside Examination Hall
pocket calculators of “non-programmable” type only, mathematical/ engineering/drawing
instruments, including a flat rule divided on the edges into inches and tens of
an inch and into centimeters and millimeters, a slide rule, set squares, a protractor
and a pair of compasses, pencils, coloured pencils, mapping pens, eraser, T-square
and drawing board for use wherever necessary. Candidates are not allowed to
bring with them any “Tables or Charts” for use in the Examination Hall.
Mobile phones,
pagers or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises
where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these
instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.
Candidates are
advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including
mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for
safekeeping cannot be assured.
2. Tables to be
supplied by UPSC
If it is considered
necessary for answering the questions set in any paper, the
Commission may supply
any of the following for reference purpose only:-
Mathematical/Physical, Chemical and Engineering Tables (including Logarithmic Tables);
(ii) Steam Table
(including Mollier Diagrams for Temperature up to 800OC and Pressure up to 500
(iii) National Building
Code of India
1970 or 1983 Group 2 Part VI;
(iv) Any other
special articles as may be necessary for the candidates to answer the questions set in the question paper.
After conclusion of
the examination, return the above items to the Invigilator.
3. Answers to be
written in own hand
Write the answers in
your own hand in ink. Pencil may be used for maps, mathematical drawings or
rough work.
4. Check Answer
The candidate must
write his/her roll number (and not his/her name) only in the space provided for the purpose on every answer book
used by him/her. Before writing in the answer book, please see that it is
complete. In case there are any missing pages, it should be got replaced.
Do not tear out any pages from the Answer Book. If you use more than one
Answer Book, indicate on the cover of first Answer Book the total number of
Answer Books used. Do not leave any blank, unused spaces between answers. If
such spaces are left, score them out.
5. Answers in
excess of prescribed number will be ignored
The candidate must attempt questions strictly in accordance with the
directions given on each question paper. If questions are attempted in excess
of the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining answers will be
6. Questions relating to graph/precis should be attempted only on
graph/precis sheets to be supplied on demand by the Invigilators. All loose sheets
such as precis sheet, drawing papers, graph sheets etc. whether used or not,
should be placed inside the answer books and fastened along with the additional
answer book(s), if any. Candidates who fail to observe this instruction will be
penalized. Do not write your roll number on these sheets.
7. Unfair means
strictly prohibited
Do not copy from the papers of any other candidate nor allow your papers
to be copied nor give nor attempt to give nor obtain nor attempt to obtain
irregular assistance of any description. It will be responsibility to every
candidate to ensure that his/her answers are not copied by another candidate.
Failure to do so will invite penalty, as may be awarded by the Commission for
adoption of unfair means.
8. Conduct in
Examination Hall
Do not misbehave in any manner or create disorderly scene in the
examination hall or harass or bodily harm the staff deployed for the conduct of
examination. You will be severely penalized if you attempt to do so.
9. Please read carefully and abide by the instructions printed on the
Question Paper and on the Answer Book supplied in the Examination Hall.
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