1. Probaility
Elements of measure
theory, Classical definitions and axiomatic approach. Sample space. Class of
events and Probability measure. Laws of total and compound probability.
Probability of m events out of n. Conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem.
Random variables - discrete and continuous. Distribution function. Standard
probability distributions - Bernoulli, uniform, binomial, Poisson, geometric,
rectangular, exponential, normal, Cauchy, hypergeometric, ultinomial,
2. Statistical
(a) Collection,
compilation and presentation of data, Charts, diagrams and histogram. Frequency
distribution. Measures of location, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis.
Bivariate and multivariate data. Association and contingency. Curve fitting and
orthogonal polynomials. Bivariate normal distribution. regression-linear,
polynomial. Distribution of the correlation coefficient, Partial and multiple
correlation, Intraclass correlation, Correlation ratio.
(b) Standard errors
and large sample test. Sampling distributions of x,s2, t, chisqure and F; tests
of significance based on them, Small sample tests.
(c) Non-parametric
tests-Goodness of fit, sign, median, run, Wicloxon, Mann-Whitney, Wald- Wolfowitz
and Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Rank order statistics-minimum, maximum, range and
median. Concept of Asymptotic relative effciency.
3. Numerical
formulae (with remainder terms) due to Lagrange, Newton-Gregory, Newton Divided
different, Gauss and Striling. Euler-Maclaurin’s summation formula. Inverse
interpolation. Numerical integration and differentiation. Difference equations
of the first order. Linear difference equations with constant coefficients.
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