1. Stochastic
Specifications of a Stochastic Process, Markov chains, classification of
states, limiting probabilities; stationary distribution; Random walk and
Gambler’s ruin problem. Poisson process, Birth and death process; applications
to Queues-M/M/I and M/M/C models. Branching Process.
2. Operations
Elements of linear programming. Simplex procedure. Pirnciple of duality.
Transport and assignment problems. Single and multi-period inventory control
models. ABC analysis. General simulation problems. Replacemnet models for items
that fail and or items that deteriorate.
3. Demography and
Vital Statistics:
The life table, its constitution and properties. Makehams and Gompertz
curves. National life tables. UN model life tables. Abridged life tables.
Stable and stationary populations. Different birth rates. Total fertility rate.
Gross and net reproduction rates. Different mortality rates. Standardised death
rate. Internal and international migration: net migration. International and
postcensal estimates. Projection method including logistic curve fitting.
Decennial population census in India .
4. Computer
Application and Data Processing:
(a) Computer
Computer system concepts: Computer system components and functions. The
Central Processing unit, Main memory, Bit, Byte, Word, Input/Output Devices,
Speeds and memory Capacities in computer systems.
Software concepts: Overview of Operating Systems, Types and Functions of
Operating System, application Software, Software for multi-tasking, multi-programming,
Batch Processign Mode, Time sharing mode, Concept of System Support Programme,
Overview of Existing Software packages on Word Processing and Spreadsheets. Overview
of an application Specific Programme: Flow charts, Basics of Algorithm, Fundamental
of design and analysis of Algorithm; Basics of data structure, Queue, Stack.
(b) Data
Data processing: Digital Number System, Number conversions, Binary
representation of integers, Binary representation of real numbers, Logical Data
element like character, fields, records, files, Fundamentals of data
transmission and processing incluidng error control and error processing.
Data base management: Data Resource management. Data base and file
organisation and procesing. (a) Direct, (b) Sequantial, (c) Indexed Sequential
file. Concepts of Client Server architecture, Data Base Administrator. An
overview of DBMS software.
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