Tuesday, 11 September 2012

UPSC Exams Free Online Counselling-Civil Services Preparation-Time Management

Sir, I am working and not finding enough time to prepare. Tell me the proper time management and right strategy.
-  Vijayan 

The time management is a real problem for most of the aspirants. When you are working, on working days you have to study atleast 3-4 hours per day. You have to stick to it on holidays; you have to study atleast 10-12 hours. In this preparatory period you have to forego some entertainment. you have to follow some time table and lead a disciplined life. Each and every minute is to be used properly. You should not waste even a single minute. Always carry a book on notes with you wherever you go. If you are a travelling person, read it in a bus. If you have to wait for some one in the office, use that time also. Even office break hours should be utilized effectively. 

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