Monday 19 December 2011

Countries and Currencies part-12

Countries and Currencies part-12

111. Which is the Currency of Marshall Islands?
  1. US Dollar
  2. UK Pound Sterling
  3. Australian Dollar
  4. Italian Lira


112. Which is the Currency of Mauritania?
  1. Euro
  2. Kayhaydi
  3. Ouguiya
  4. Nouakchott


113. Which is the Currency of Mauritius?
  1. Indian Rupee
  2. Mauritius Rupee
  3. Franc
  4. Dollar


114. Which is the Currency of Mexico?
  1. Mexican Franc
  2. Mexican Dollar
  3. Mexican Peso
  4. Mexican New Peso


115. Which is the Currency of Federated States of Micronesia?
  1. Peso
  2. Franc
  3. Micronesian Dollar
  4. US Dollar


116. Which is the Currency of Moldova?
  1. Moldovian Leu
  2. Moldovian Dollar
  3. Moldovian Franc  
  4. Euro


117. Which is the Currency of Monaco?
  1. Euro
  2. Monaco Dollar
  3. Monoca Franc
  4. Pound Sterling


118. Which is the Currency of Mongolia?
  1. Dornod
  2. Ruble
  3. Tugrik
  4. Yen


119. Which is the Currency of Montenegro?
  1. Montenegro Dollar
  2. Serbian Dollar
  3. Serbian Dinar
  4. Euro


120. Which is the Currency of Morocco?
  1. Moroccan Dinar 
  2. Moroccan Dollar
  3. Moroccan Dirham
  4. Moroccan Rial


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