Saturday 4 August 2012

TNPSC Group IV Exam 2012 Original Question Paper and Answers- Part 5

TNPSC Group IV Exam 2012 Original Question Paper and Answers- Part 5

General English
101.   Select the statement which matches with the correct question tag:
           A) Everybody agreed to our proposal, did they?
           B) Everybody agreed to our proposal, didn’t they?
           C) Everybody agreed to our proposal, do they?
           D) Everybody agreed to our proposal, don’t they?
           Answer: B

102.   Identify the sentence:
           He is certain to be late so why to wait for him?
           A) Simple
           B) Compound
           C) Complex
           D) None of these.

           Answer: B

103.   Pick out the sentence with SVOC pattern:
           A) Man hunts animals, mercilessly
           B) We elected Malar, the leader
           C) She boils the milk everyday
           D) They stand under the tree.

           Answer: B

104.   Match the statements given in Column A with their question tags in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
                        Column A                                                     Column B
a)     It’s raining.                                                 1. didn’t they?
b)     They came by car                         2. can she?
c)      They don’t like me                                    3. isn't it?
d)     She can’t do the job.                                4. do they?

              a          b          c          d
A)          1          4          2          3
B)          3          2          1          4
C)         3          1          4          2
D)         4          3          1          2

Answer: C

105.   Select the correct sequence of preposition:
  …………. the eleventh hour Ramu withdrew ………… the contest, leaving the field open ………. his opponent ………….. that day.
A) at, from, on, to
B) at, on, from ,to
C) on, at, from, to
D) at, from , to, on.

Answer: D

106.   Select the appropriate active voice for the italitized words:
           The house next door has been bought by Anitha.
           A) has bought
           B) have bought
           C) have been bought
           D) will have been bought.

           Answer: A

107.   Which one of the following has correct gerund form?
           A) I am tired of waiting
           B) I am tired of having waited
           C) I am tired of being waited
           D) I am tired to wait.

           Answer: A

108.   Which one of the following has the correct infinitive?
           A) I think Nina meant to break the crystal vase.
           B) I think Nina meant to have broken the crystal vase.
           C) I think Nina meant having broken the crystal vase.
           D) I think Nina meant to be breaking the crystal vase.

           Answer: A

109.   Give the suitable order of articles in the blanks of the given passage. Write the correct code given below:
           In the evening ……….. stranger walked towards ………. sea ………. Roaring sea was with big waves and ………….. old man was seen there.
           A) the, a, the, a
           B) the, a , the, an
           C) a, the, the, an
           D) a, a, a, an.

           Answer: C

110.   Find out the odd one (verb):
           A) Last
           B) Final
           C) Lost
           D) Truthful.

           Answer: C

111.   Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks:
           A ………… of ……… chased few ………….
           A) group, apes, chicken
           B) team, apes, chickens
           C) troop, apses, chicken
           D) troop, apes, chickens.

           Answer: D

112.   Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
                        Column A                                         Column B
a)     Mesmerising                                 1. Spellbing
b)     Hypnotise                                      2. Captivating
c)      Bedlam                                          3. Deceives
d)     Imposter                                         4. Confusion.

              a          b          c          d
A)          1          3          4          2
B)          3          2          4          1
C)         4          1          3          2
D)         2          1          4          3

Answer: D

113.   Match the following phrases given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
                                    Column A                                         Column B
a)     advance and retreat                                 1. to write something as a record
b)     keep an account of                                   2. emerge in a large number
c)      arrive in                                                      3. move to and fro
d)     pour out from                                             4. Reach

              a          b          c          d
A)          3          1          4          2
B)          4          2          3          1
C)         3          1          2          4
D)         1          3          4          2

Answer: A

114.   Which one of the following sentences has a participle in it?
           A) He had lost his passport and applied for a new one.
           B) Having lost his passport, he applied for a new one.
           C) His passport had been lost, and hence he applied for a new one.
           D) His passport was lost and he had applied for a new one.

           Answer: B

115.   Select the correct option to complete the sentence:
           Gandhiji is the only person who stood
           A) for truth and non-violence
           B) of truth and non-violence
           C) after truth and non-violence
           D) away truth and non-violence.

           Answer: A

116.   Identify the sentence:
           In the event of his failure, he will give up further attempts.
           A) None
           B) Compound
           C) Complex
           D) Simple.

           Answer: D

117.   Identify the sentence with the correct question tag:
           A) They have been to London, have they?
           B) They have been to London, hasn’t they?
           C) They had been to London, hadn’t they?
           D) They had been to London, haven’t they?
           Answer: C

118.   Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
                                    Column A                                         Column B
a)     feroctous                                                    1. Sorrow
b)     impediments                                             2. Arrogant
c)      haughty                                                      3. Wild
d)     affliction                                                     4. Obstacles.

              a          b          c          d
A)          4          1          3          2
B)          3          2          4          1
C)         1          3          4          2
D)         3          4          2          1

Answer: D

119.   Fill in the blank with suitable article:
           He always offers alms to …………….. poor.
           A) the
           B) an
           C) a
           D) no article.

           Answer: A

120.   Match the following articles in Column A with their suitable words in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
                        Column A                                         Column B
a)     a                                                     1. Second Rank
b)     zero                                                2. MLA
c)      an                                                   3. English Language
d)     the                                                  4. Man

              a          b          c          d
A)          4          2          3          1
B)          4          3          2          1
C)         2          3          4          1
D)         2          4          3          1

Answer: B

121.   Match the following words given in Column A with their parts of speech in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
                        Column A                             Column B
a)     Abroad                               1. Adjective
b)     Blue                                    2. Noun
c)      Cartoon                              3. Adverb
d)     Dare                                   4. Verb.

              a          b          c          d
A)          3          1          2          4
B)          1          2          3          4
C)         2          3          4          1
D)         3          4          1          2

Answer: A

122.   Fill in the blank with suitable article:
           He studies in ………….. sixth standard.
           A) no article
           B) a
           C) an
           D) the

           Answer: D

123.   Find the sentence in which the italicized word is used as an Adjective:
           A) I did not know his address.
           B) Address the gathering.
           C) Write your address here.
           D) He asked for the address proof.
           Answer: D

124.   Match the following italicized words of the sentences given in Column A with their parts of speech in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
                        Column A                             Column B
a)     They have a plan                          1. Adjective
b)     I live here                                       2. Noun
c)      She walks fast                               3. Verb
d)     I have a gift wrapper                     4. Adverb.

              a          b          c          d
A)          1          4          3          2
B)          2          4          1          3
C)         2          3          1          4
D)         2          3          4          1

Answer: D

125.   Find out the part of speech that is not used in the given sentences:
           I. She gave us a present.
           II. We present her a gift every year.
           III. The present situation is worse.
I.                     The paper presented needs your attention.
A) Noun
B) Adverb
C) Adjective
D) Verb.

Answer: B

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