Friday 11 May 2012

Civil Services Exam 2012-CSAT Model Test 2-Part 1

Indian Civil Services Exam-2012-CSAT Model Test Paper 2-Part 1
Passage 1:
Today the game reserves of East Africa are facing a number of threats. Although they earn considerable revenue by attracting tourists, they take up land which is increasingly sought by the local people. While these reserves feed and protect animals, they are in danger of turning into barren areas or deserts. Trees, shrubs and grass are gradually being eaten by grazing herds.
Another problem is to be found in the changing attitudes of the animals themselves. Many of them are losing their hereditary fear of man. In this way they may become a danger to visitors and thus to themselves. Attacks on vehicles are beginning to increase, and it is possible that the problem will become serious in a few years time.
               The problem of shortage of land is not a simple one. As the population increases, more and more people look hungrily at the land set aside for game reserves. They claim that a Government’s first duty is to its inhabitants and not to tourists or to wild animals. Despite the income obtained from tourism, this is an argument which it is difficult to answer satisfactorily.

1.      According to the passage the Government maintains the game reserves because it
1)      Wants to prevent people using the land
2)      Aim of generating income from tourism
3)      Wants to control the vegetation
4)      Desires to beautiful the nation.

a) 1 only        b) 2 only         c) 1 and 2  only      d)  3 and 4 only

            Answer:   (b)

2.      Local people look hungrily at the game reserves for
1)      Satisfying their hungry by eating the animals
2)      They dislike living in a deserted place
3)      The animals pose a danger to them and their villages
4)      They want land for their own cultivation.
a) 1 and 2  only      b) 3 and 4 only     c) 1 only        d)  4 only        

   Answer:   (D)

3.      In the last sentence of the passage “this” refer to

1)      The demand about the duty of the Government
2)      The income as parking space from the tourists
3)      The revenue from visiting tourists
4)      Problems afflicting the reserves in East Africa.
a) 1 only        b) 2 only         c) 1 and 2  only      d)  3 and 4 only

   Answer:   (a)

4.      The cause of soil erosion  in game reserves is

1)      The high temperature of the tropical region
2)      The violent storms caused by herds
3)      The disappearance of vegetation as they are eaten by animals
4)            The loss of fear of man among animals.
a) 1 only        b) 2 only         c) 3 only      d) 1 and 2  only     

   Answer:   (c)

5.      What shall be the attitude of animals after a few years?
1)      They may chase out every visitor to the reserve
2)      They may stay enmasse from the reserves and attack local
3)      They might shy away from human sight
4)      They may become a nuisance in many ways.
a) 1 and 2  only      b) 3 and 4 only     c) 1 only        d)  4 only        

   Answer:   (D)

Passage 2:
   Science engenders hope in the future of human achievement. In the study of literature and art, on the other hand, our attention is perpetually riveted upon the past; the men of Greece or of the Renaissance did better than any men do now; the triumphs of former ages, so far from facilitating fresh triumphs in our own age, actually increase the difficulty of fresh triumphs by rendering originality harden of attainment. Not only is artistic achievement not cumulative, but it seems even to depend upon a certain freshness and ‘naiveté’ of impulse and vision which civilisation tends to destroy. Hence comes to those who have been nourished on the literary and artistic production of former ages, a certain peevishness and undue fastidiousness towards the present, from which there seems no escape into the deliberate vandalism which ignores tradition and in the search after originality achieves only the eccentric. But in such vandalism there is none of the simplicity and spontaneity out of which great art springs; theory is still the canker in its core, and insincerity destroys the advantages of a merely pretended ignorance.


6. Great art originates from

1)      Simplicity and spontaneity
2)      Over looking tradition
3)      Originality of thinking
4)      Acts of vandalism.
a) 1 and 2  only      b) 3 and 4 only     c) 1 only        d)  4 only        

   Answer:   (c)

7.The reason that science generates hope is that scientist

1)      Study natural events the past
2)      Works for the future
3)      Study natural phenomena
4)      Do not care about the glory of the past
a) 1 and 2  only      b) 3 and 4 only     c) 1 only        d)  4 only        

            Answer:   (d)

8.In this passage “Naiveté of impulse” means

a)      Childish sentiments
b)      Powerful and potential Emotions
c)      Pure inspiration
d)      Innocent feelings.

   Answer:   (d)

9. Artistic achievement according to the passage is

a)      Cumulative
b)      Fresh
c)      Both
d)      None

            Answer:   (a)

            Directions for the 2 items below:

            Each of the 2 statements of 4 statements of these 2 can both be true, but both can be false. Study them carefully and identify the 2 that satisfy the above condition. Select the correct answer using the code given below each set of statements.

   10.Examine the following statements.

            1. All human beings are vegetarians
            2. Some human beings are not vegetarians
            3. Human beings are non-vegetarians
            4. Some human beings are Vegetarians

a)     1 and 2  b) 1 and 3       c) 2 and 3       d) 3 and 4

            Answer:   (d)

11. Examine the following Statement.
   1. No car is run on diesel as fuel.
   2. Some Cars are not run on diesel as fuel.
   3. All cars run on diesel as fuel
   4. Some cars run on diesel as fuel.

   a) 1 and 3       b) 1 and 2       c) 1 and 4       d) 2 and 3

   Answer:   (d)

Directions for the following 6 (six) items:
Read each of the following two passages and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only.
Passage A:
   The equitable distribution of income among individuals and house-holds is central to a nation’s welfare and has become a major public concern in both developed and underdeveloped countries. Egalitarian philosophies stimulated by the industrial revolutions of Western Europe have produced widespread expectations that economic growth will equalise wealth and earning opportunities as well as raise the average level of economic welfare. These expectations have not been borne out. Even in economically advanced countries, the persistence of significant hard-core poverty for large minorities in the midst of growing affluence for the majority has contributed to serious social tensions and political conflict. Public concern over income inequality has been heightened by both Marxian and contemporary radical stress on forces in capitalist societies that tend to increase the concentration of wealth and income and by more orthodox studies of conflicts between distributional justice and economic efficiency.

12) The phrase “Equitable distribution of income” in this passage refers to

1.      Fair and reasonable distribution
2.      Equal distribution
3.      Proportionate distribution
4.      Fair and proportionate distribution

Which of the statements given above is /are correct

a)     1 & 2 only
b)     2 & 4 only
c)      1only
d)     2 only

   Answer:   (c)

13) The central theme of the passage is

   a) Socialistic philosophy
   b) Communistic philosophy
   c) Income equality
   d) Equitable distribution of income

            Answer:   (d)

14) Consider the following assumptions

   1. There will be a general increase in national income
   2. Poverty will be banished from industrialised countries
   3. Exploitation of man by man will come to an end
   With reference to the passage which of the above assumption(s) is/are valid
a)     1 and 3 only
b)     2 and 3 only
c)      1 only
d)     2 only

            Answer:   (b)

Passage B:
   Not only does the lack of education among women make the dissemination of nutrition education difficult, it appears also to be a major obstacle to campaigns for family planning. It is significant that one of the more successful family planning efforts has been in Korea, where literacy is over 80%. Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan have also had more satisfactory results than, for example, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India or Indonesia, where a large proportion of the female population is illiterate. The education level of women is significant also because it has a direct impact on their chances of employment; and the number of employed women a country’s total labour force has a direct bearing on both the gross national product and the disposable income of the individual family.


   15). Consider the following assumptions
   1. Education level of women increase their chances of employment
   2. Employed women in country’s Labour force help increase the GNP
   3. 20% of Korean women are illiterate
   With reference to the passage which of the above assumption(s) is/are correct 
               a) 1 and 2
               b) 1 and 3
               c) 2 and 3
               d) 1 2 and 3

   Answer:   (a)

16). Consider the following statements with reference to the passage

   1. A woman’s lack of Education has a direct bearing on the GNP
   2. Korea’s higher women literacy rate made them family planning a success Which of the statement(s) given is / are
a)     1 only
b)     2 only
c)      Both 1 and 2
d)     None of 1 and 2

   Answer:   (a)

17). which of the following is/are implied by the passage?
   1. Illiteracy among women inversely affects family planning
   2. Illiteracy among women makes the nutrition education difficult
   3. Illiterate women labour force add to the GNP
   Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

a)     1 and 2
b)     2 only
c)      1 and 3
d)     3 only

            Answer:   (b)

Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
Read the following passage and answer the items that follow. Your answers to these items should be based on the passage only.
Passage 6:
   The capitalist system of society does not foster healthy relations among human beings. A few people own all the means of production and others, though nominally free, have to sell their labour under conditions imposed upon them. The emphasis of capitalism being on the supreme importance of material wealth, the intensity of its appeal is to the acquisitive instincts. It promotes worship of economic power with little regard to the means employed for its acquisition and the end that it serves. By its exploitation of human beings to the limits of endurance its concentration is on the largest profit rather than maximum production. Thus the division of human family is done on the basis of economic circumstance. All this is injurious to human dignity. And when the harrowed poor turn to the founders of religion for succor, they rather offer a subtle defense of the established order. They promise future happiness for their present suffering and conjure up visions of paradise to redress the balance to soothe the suffering and the revolt of the tortured men. The system imposes injustice, religion justifies it.

According to the Passage,
1.      A few people own all the means of production.
2.      Capitalism encourages the worship of economic power.
3.      The means employed for acquiring economic power is not at all a consideration.
4.      Capitalism appeal, to the acquisitive instinct of people.

18.       Which of the statements given above are correct?
a)     1 and 2 only
b)     1 and 4 only     
c)      1, 2 and 4 only
d)     1, 2, 3 and 4

            Answer:   (a)

19.       What constitutes capitalism?

1.      A majority contributing Labour under conditions imposed by a few
2.      Supreme importance of economic power.
3.      Scanty respect for economic power.
4.      Subjudicating ends to the means.
   Select the correct answer from the codes below.
a)     1 and 2 only
b)     1, 3 and 4 only
c)      2, 3 and 4 only
d)     1, 2 and 4 only

   Answer:   (a)

20  What is injurious to human dignity?
1.      Exploitation of humans to the limits of endurance
2.      Division of human family on the basis of economic circumstances
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
a)     1 only     b) 2 only          c) Both 1 and 2          d) None of 1 and 2

            Answer:   (c)

   21 )  In a capitalistic society each individual aims

               a) at acquiring maximum wealth
               b) at producing maximum wealth
               c) to have visions of well being
               d) to reduce the setting of people.

   Answer:   (a)

22) An insurance company charges penalty for the delayed payment of premium after the fifth annual premium at the rate of Rs 10 per Rs 1000 of premium till 6 months and Rs 50 per month till the 12 th month. An insurance holder paying the 7th annual premium of Rs 6500/ after a delay of 9 months shall pay how much penalty?

a)  210           b) 2815           c) 390             d) 1365

Answer:   (d)

23) A person has only Rs. 1 and Rs. 2 coins with her. If the total number of coins that she has is 50 and the amount of money with her is Rs. 75, then the number of Rs. 1 and Rs. 2 coins are, respectively

(a) 15 and 35 
(b) 35 and 15 
(e) 30 and 20 
(d) 25 and 25

Answer: d

24. Three particles start with a uniform velocity of 10 m, 12m and 15m per sec. What is the minimum distance in kms they have to travel so that each can cover the same distance in complete seconds?

   a) 0.9              b) 0.6              c) 1.8              d) 3.6

            Answer:   (c)

25. If a person walks 3 kms in 45mts and his friend walks 5kms in 1 ltr, 15 mk. What 0 the ration of distance walked by them in one hour.

   a) 1:2              b) 1:1              c) 2:1              d) 1:3

   Answer:   (b)

26. These 100 people in a group. Of this 50% are diabetic, 40% have cardiac ailments and 15% have both diabetics and cardiac problems. What is the number of people who are neither diabetic nor have cardiac problems.

   a) 30               b) 20               c) 10               d) None

            Answer:   (d)

27. A Charitable Hostel receives a tanker full of water every week. The cylindrical container of the tanker is 10 m in length and has 2 m radius. Hostel has 40 inmates and they use 150 liters of water per day. What shall be the balance of water left at the end of 5 days?

   a) 1000 liter   b) 1500 liter   c) 10,000 liter                        d) No balance

            Answer:   (b)

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