Tuesday 24 July 2012

TNPSC Group-II Exam-Origial Question Paper November 2007-Part 1

TNPSCGroup – II (CSSE-I) Exam Original Question Paper – November 2007- Part 1
1.      A rough Endoplasmic Reticulum specially developed in cell engages in
A)    Nucleotide synthesis
B)    Protein synthesis
C)    Lipid synthesis
D)    Starch synthesis

Answer: B

2.      Krebs’ cycle takes place in
A)    Chloroplast
B)    Peroxisomes
C)    Mitochondria
D)    Cytoplasm

Answer: C

3.      Lysosome is also known as
A)    Suicidal bags
B)    Powerhouse of the cell
C)    Chondriosome
D)    Dictyosome

Answer: A

4.      The sex cells are produced by the process of
A)    mitosis
B)    meiosis
C)    amitosis
D)    None of these

Answer: B

5.      Crossing over takes place in which of the following stages?
A)    Leptotene
B)    Zygotene
C)    Pachytene
D)    Diakinesis

Answer: C

6.      In animals the adaptation for underground life is called
A)    Terrestrial adaptation
B)    Fossorial adaptation
C)    Aquatic adaptation
D)    Volant adaptation

Answer: B

7.      Decibel is a unit of measure the
A)    intensity of sound
B)    intensity of radiation
C)    intensity of light
D)    intensity of heat

Answer: A

8.      Blood sugar level is increased by
A)    FSH
B)    TSH
C)    Insulin
D)    Glucagon

Answer: D

9.      Acromegaly is caused due to
A)    hyper-secretion of somatotrophic hormone
B)    hypo-secretion of somatotrophic hormone
C)    hyper-secretion of insulin
D)    hypo-secretion of glucagon

Answer: A

10.    Regressed corpus luteum is called
A)    Corpus lentia
B)    Corpora allata
C)    Corpus degeneratum
D)    Corpus albicans

Answer: D

11.    Who among the following was the first to make use of artillery in warfare in India?
A)    Babur
B)    Ibrahim Lodi
C)    Sher Shah
D)    Akbar

Answer: A

12.    ‘Kathak’ is the principal classical dance of
A)    North India
B)    Orissa
C)    Kerala
D)    Karnataka

Answer: A

13.    Deduction is the process of Reasoning which proceeds from
A)    particular to universal
B)    particular to particular
C)    universal to particular
D)    universal to universal

Answer: C

14.    Choose the correct answer
A)    ‘A’ proposition is conditional proposition
B)    ‘A’ proposition is categorical proposition
C)    ‘A’ proposition is hypothetical proposition
D)    ‘A’ proposition is disjunctive proposition

Answer: B

15.    The kinds of souls according to Saiva Siddhanta are
A)    Two
B)    Three
C)    Four
D)    Five

Answer: B

16.    Choose the correct answer:
A)    The convert of E proposition is E
B)    The convert of O proposition is A
C)    The convert of I proposition is O
D)    The convert of A proposition is E

Answer: A

17.    The word Tattva Darsana means
A)    Nyaya Shakti
B)    Vision of Truth
C)    True Bhakti
D)    Vision of Light

Answer: B

18.    Choose the correct answer:
A)    Kanniyakumari       :           Vivekananda
B)    Kurunji Salai           :           Sri Aurobindo
C)    Hanuman Mandir    :           Gandhiji
D)    Sabarmati Asram  :           Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Answer: A

19.    Thavathiru Kuntrakdi Adikalar belongs to
A)    Thanjavur
B)    Madurai
C)    Sivagangai
D)    Chengalpattu

Answer: C

20.    The Bhagavad Gita consists of
A)    12 Chapters
B)    14 Chapters
C)    16 Chapters
D)    18 Chapters

Answer: D

21.    Tamil Nadu gets more rainfall during the months of
A)    January-March
B)    April-June
C)    July-September
D)    October-November

Answer: D

22.    The longest mountain system in Asia is
A)    Kunlun Mountains
B)    The Himalaya Mountains
C)    The Hindukush Mountains
D)    Khingan Mountains

Answer: B

23.    Time taken by the earth in turning through 1o longtitude is
A)    5 minutes
B)    24 hours
C)    4 minutes
D)    2 minutes

Answer: C

24.    Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below:
            List I                                       List II
          (River)                                      (Origin)
a)     Godavari                             1. Rajasthan
b)     Kaveri                                  2. Madhya Pradesh
c)      Tapti                                    3. Maharashtra
d)     Sabarmati                           4. Karnataka

      a       b          c          d
A) 1        3          4          2
B) 3        4          2          1
C) 4        2          3          1
D) 2        1          4          3

Answer: B

25.    The longest river of Penisular India is
A)    Mahanadi
B)    Tapti
C)    Kaveri
D)    Godavari

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