Wednesday 5 December 2012

Agriculture notes prepared by IAS Topper for all agriculture based competitive exams-Agronomy-dry Land Agriculture

Dry Land Agriculture

Drought Adoptation

Drought Escape: Plants escape the drought due to their ephemeral characters
Drought Resistance:
Drought avoidance: “Ability to maintain a favourable water balance and turgidity even when exposed to drought condition”
a). Water conservation
·        Stomatal regulation
·        Increased photosynthetic rate: Due to stomatal closure, C3 plants cannot satisfy photosynthates need. But C4 plants do efficient photosynthesis even under low carbon dioxide. So they are more drought tolerant. CAM plants are very important drought tolerant crops. Since they open stomata in night only, CO2 occurs in day. Presence of awn also increases the amount of photosynthates
·        Reduction of leaf area: by reduction in the leaf area, reduction tillering, leaf rolling, parahelionastic movement of leaf, senescence and dropping of old leaves.
·        Thickness of leaf cuticle, waxy surface, development of spines and pubescences.
·        Water storage in plants

b). Improved water uptake.
·        Development of roots
·        High root and shoot ratio
·        High liquid phase conductance
·        Osmotic adjustment-breakdown of photosynthates-lower osmotic potential-development of roots-ABA reduction

Drought tolerance
It differs from avoidance because the plants here feel the water stress on plant parts and then overcome by their morphological and physiological modification. So it is defined as “level of stress at which 50 per cent of cells die”
a). Mitigating stress: Resistance to dehydration by having thick cuticle and maintenance of high osmotic pressure.
b). High degree of tolerance: Avoids both metabolic train (CO2 and N2 assimilation) and plastic strain

Soil water dynamics
One of the best methods to promote increase water availability for cultivation is by improving the soil moisture storage. For that soil moisture dynamic should be understood properly. It is defined as “change in soil moisture content with time”. These changes can be grouped into
·        Run off
·        Infiltration and deep percolation
·        Redistribution and storage
·        Evapo-transpirational loss
There is no practical method to improve the soil moisture storage, but it can be improved by changing the clay, silt and organic matter content of the soil

Water Harvesting
Collection and storage of water on land surface for subsequent use in arid and semi arid regions.
The difference between arid and semi arid region in water harvesting are  
   Arid region                                                                                                            
   Catchment area is bigger than Command area   
   Run off is induced                                                     
only excess water collected

Methods of water harvesting

Arid Regions
a). Run off Farming: Practiced in Negav desert of Israel. Water shed is very big, 10-50 ha large. Each watershed is divided into small catchment area and water collected from each catchments is diverted through channels into fields. Farmers construct check dams with rock across the small gullies and guided water to fields. 
b). Water spreading: In arid regions, limited rainfall received in short intense storms. So water swiftly drains into gullies, even affect the cropped areas y flood due to sudden run off. Therefore, water is deliberately diverted from the natural courses and spread over in adjacent plains. It uses check dams, ditches, dukes and brush fences.
c). Microcatchment: Crops can be cultivated even with very low rainfall if crop is surrounded by micro catchment basin.

Semi Arid region
a). Tanks: It consists of catchments area, tank bund, storage tank, sluices, spillways and command area
b). Farm Ponds: 100-300m3 ponds dug in fields to collect run off water. The main problem with farm pond is seepage loss. This can be controlled y application of bentonite, soil depressant and soil cement mixtures.
c). Percolation tanks: Flowing rivulets/gullies are obstructed and collected. It is as such raises water table due to percolation. So it can be used for supplemental irrigation.
d). Inter row water harvesting done in maize and sugarcane cultivation
e). Broad bed and furrow collects excess water and diverted into farm ponds for later use.
f). Supplemental irrigation to collect run off water.

Reducing evapo-transpiration loss
Evaporation is not directly related to productivity so it should be prevented, transpiration also to some extent should be controlled. ET can controlled by

Mulches: “any material applied on soil surface to check evaporation and improve soil water.
·        It improves soil water y reducing run off, interception of solar radiation, prevention of evapo-transpiration, weed control and improvement in infiltration
·        Mulches moderates soil temperature
·        It controls soil salinity by increased infiltration and reduced evaporation
There are different types of mulches used for this purpose. They include soil mulch, stubble mulch, plastic mulch, vertical and straw mulch.

Antitranpirants: They prevent transpirational loss of water from the plant surface
a). Stomatal closing type: They influence the plant to close their stomata through which most of the water is lost. Ex. Phenyl Mercuric Acetate, Atrazine
b). Film forming type: they are normally plastic and waxy materials used to form film like coating on the plant surface. They allow the exchange of gases but prevent the transpiration. The film should maintain continuity,
c). Reflectants: White coloured material which reflects light from the plant surface. It reduces the leaf temperature, vapour pressure gradient from leaf to atmosphere. Ex. 5% Kaolin, diatomaceous earth (Celite)
d). Growth retardants: It increases root growth and reduces shoot growth and close stomata. Ex. Cycocel. Since they reduce the plant growth, they can only be used under extreme moisture stress conditions.
Wind breaks and shelter belts
They prevent evaporation of water from the soil and plant surface due to heavy winds. It also protects from wind erosion and crop damages.
Weed control: One of the most important factors for the loss of water from the soil surface is weeds. Therefore effective weed control is important for effective water management.

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