Wednesday 27 November 2013

TNPSC Group 2 Exam-English-Previous Year Questions Topic wise analysis-Degrees

TNPSC Group II Analysis


TNPSC GROUP – II (RE EXAM) - November – 2012

1.       Change the following into positive degree:
           This temple is the biggest in India.
A)   This temple is as big as that temple
B)   No other temple in India is as big as this temple
C)   This temple is very big
D)   Very few temples are as big as this temple

Answer: B

2.       Find out the appropriate Comparative degree for the following sentence.
           This is the best response.
A)   This and that are better responses
B)   This response is better than that
C)   This a good response
D)   This is a better response than  any other

Answer: D

3.       Identify the degree and choose the correct answer. Tokyo is larger than any other cities in the world.
A)   superlative degree
B)   comparative degree
C)   positive degree
D)   none of these

Answer: B

4.       Identify the degree and choose the correct answer.
           Malacca is the oldest town in Malaysia.
A)   Positive degree
B)   Comparative degree
C)   Superlative degree
D)   None of these

Answer:  C


5.   Identify the degree and choose the correct answer:
      The child has a slight cold.
      A)  Superlative degree
      B)  Comparative degree
      C)  Positive degree
      D)  None of these

      Answer: C

6.   Identify the degree:
      Kodaikanal is not so cool as Ooty.
A)   Comparative
B)   Superlative
C)   Positive
D)   None of these

Answer: C

7.   Identify the degree: Prabhu is not only intelligent but also industrious.
A)   Positive
B)   Comparative
C)   Superlative
D)   None of these

Answer: A

8.   Change into comparative degree:
      Lata Mangeshkar is more admired than singers of our nation.
A)   Lata Mangeshkar is more admired than many other singers of our nation.
B)   Lata Mangeshkar is more admired singer
C)   Lata Mangeshkar is more admired than any other singer of our nation
D)   Lata Mangeshkar is more admired than all other singers.

Answer: A

TNPSC GROUP – II - July – 2011

9.       Identify the positive degree:
A)   Very few poets of the world were as great as Kamban.
B)   Apple is costlier than mango.
C)   Ravi is more intelligent than Murugan.
D)   Tagore is greater than most other Indian poets.

Answer: A

10.     Identify the positive degree:
A)   You didn’t know him better than I do.
B)   Very few animals are as useful as the cow.
C)   This is the most useless of all my bags.
D)   Australia is the largest island in the world.

Answer: B

11.     Identify the positive degree:
A)   My father is the richest man in the town.
B)   No other man in the town is so rich as my father.
C)   Kolkata is bigger than any other city in India.
D)   Kolkata is the biggest city in India.

Answer: B

12.     Identify the degree:
           Iron is the most useful of all metals.
A)   Positive degree
B)   Superlative degree
C)   Comparative degree
D)   None of these

Answer: B

13.     Identify the degree:
           The Eiffel tower is taller than Qutb Minar.
A)   comparative degree
B)   superlative degree
C)   positive degree
D)   none of these

Answer: C

TNPSC GROUP – II - April – 2010

14.     Identify the given sentence:
           No other girl in the class is an intelligent as Uma
A)   Imperative
B)   Superlative
C)   Positive
D)   Comparative

Answer: C

15.     Identify the Superlative sentence:
A)   Australia is the largest island
B)   No other island is as large as Australia
C)   Australia is larger than any other island
D)   Most of the islands are not larger than Australia

Answer: A

16.     Identify the Superlative sentence:
A)   Tom is one of the tallest boys in the group
B)   Very few boys in the group are as tall as Tom
C)   Tom is taller than most other boys in the group
D)   Tom is as tall as Jim

Answer: A

17.     Identify the Positive degree:
A)   Gandhi is the greatest of all leaders
B)   Gandhi is greater than all other leaders
C)   No other leader is as great as Gandhi
D)   Subhash Chandra Bose is not greater than Gandhi

Answer: C

18.     Identify the Positive degree:
A)   Manoj is one of the bravest boys in the class
B)   Manoj is braver than most other boys in the class
C)   Very few boys in the class are so brave as Manoj
D)   Manoj is braver than Salim

Answer: C

TNPSC GROUP – II - March – 2009

19.     Identify the positive degree:
A)   No other girl in the class is so tall as Sylvia
B)   Sylvia is taller than any other girl in the class
C)   Sylvia is the tallest girl in the class
D)   Jancy is not taller than Sylvia

Answer: A

20.     Identify the positive degree:
A)   Akbar was one of the mightiest kings
B)   Akbar was mightier than most other kings
C)   Very few kings are as mighty as Akbar
D)   Mango is one of the sweetest fruits

Answer: C

21.     Identify the comparative degree:
A)   John is the cleverest boy
B)   John is cleverer than any other boy
C)   No other boy is so clever as John
D)   Kamala is as tall as Vimala

Answer: B

22.     Identify the superlative degree:
A)   Mango is one of the sweetest fruits
B)   Very few fruits are as sweet as Mango
C)   Asha is as wise as Priya
D)   Priya is not wise than Asha

Answer: A

23.     Identify the superlative degree:
A)   India is more powerful than Pakistan
B)   Pakistan is not as powerful as India
C)   India is one of the most powerful countries
D)   Very few countries are so powerful as India

Answer: C

TNPSC GROUP – II - November – 2007

24.     Identify the Superlative degree:
A)   No other boy is so neat as Balu in the class
B)   Balu is neater than any other boy in the class
C)   Balu is the neatest boy in the class
D)   Balu is a neat boy in the class

Answer: A

25.     Identify the Superlative degree:
A)   Very few poets are as good as Shakespeare
B)   Shakespeare is one of the best poets
C)   Shakespeare is better than most other poets
D)   Shakespeare is a poet

Answer: A

26.     Identify the Positive degree:
A)   Very few fruits are sweeter than mango
B)   Mango is a sweet fruit
C)   Mango is one of the sweetest fruits
D)   Mango is sweeter than most other fruits

Answer: D

27.     Identify the Positive degree:
A)   Kavitha is a clever girl
B)   Kavitha is the cleverest girl
C)   Kavitha is cleverer than any other girl
D)   No other girl is cleverer than Kavitha

Answer: D

28.     Identify the Comparative degree:
A)   Australia is large island
B)   Australia is the largest island in the world
C)   Australia is larger than any other island in the world
D)   No other island in the world is so large as Australia

Answer: C

29.     Identify the Comparative degree:
A)   Asoka was one of the mightiest kings
B)   Asoka was a mighty king
C)   Very few kings are as mighty as Asooka
D)   Asoka was mightier than most other king

Answer: D

TNPSC Group V Analysis

TNPSC GROUP – V – 2007

30.     Which of the following sentences does not belong to the degrees of comparison?
A)   No other boy is as active as Raja.
B)   Rani is the most obedient girl
C)   Have you finished your work?
D)   Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds

Answer: C

31.     Identify the superlative degree:
A)   The gold is one of the costliest metals
B)   Very few flowers are as beautiful as lotus
C)   Rohini is not older than Krishna
D)   No other boy is so tall as Kumar

Answer: A

32.     Identify the degree:
           Gopi was not so clever as Raghu
A)   Comparative degree
B)   Superlative degree
C)   Positive degree
D)   None of these

Answer: C

33.     Identify the correct degree:
           No other leader was as famous as Gandhii
A)   Superlative degree
B)   Comparative degree
C)   Positive degree
D)   None of these

Answer: C

34.     Identify the correct degree:
           Asoka is more famous than Babur.
A)   Positive degree
B)   Comparative degree
C)   Superlative degree
D)   None of these

Answer: B

TNPSC GROUP – V - Year – 2003

35.    Identify the correct degree:
         Meenakshi Amman temple is one of the most famous temples.
A)   Comparative degree
B)   None of (A), (C) & (D)
C)   Positive Degree
D)   Superlative degree

Answer: D

36. Identify the correct degree:
      Akbar was mightier than most other king:
A)   Superlative degree
B)   Positive degree
C)   Comparative
D)   None of these

Answer: C

37. Identify the Comparative degree:
A)   A peacock dances better than an Ostrich
B)   Peacock is the most beautiful bird
C)   No other bird dances so good as peacock
D)   Ostrich is a beautiful dancer.

Answer: A

38. Identify the Positive degree:
A)   Monika is cleverer than any other girl in the class
B)   Monika is the cleverest girl in the class
C)   Monika is cleverer than any other boy in the class
D)   No other girl in the class is so clever as Monika

Answer: D

39. Identify the correct degree:
      Abdul is one of the laziest boys in the class
A)   Positive degree
B)   Superlative degree
C)   Comparative degree
D)   None of these

Answer: B

39. Identify the degree and choose the correct answer:
      No other vegetable is so bitter as bitter gourd.
A)   Comparative degree
B)   Superlative degree
C)   Positive degree
D)   None of these

Answer: C

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