Sunday 5 June 2011

Civil Services 2010 -IAS Topper Hari Narayanan-UPSC Interview

Indian Civil Services 2010-11: All India Rank 27th Mr. M. Hari Narayanan 

An exclusive Interview
UPSC: Interview Questions:
Name: Hari Narayanan.M   
Education: B.Arch(Architecture)
Interests: Reading Books and Designing
1.      What type of books do you read?
2.      Have you read books in your mother or any vernacular language?
3.      Is there a book which has been of influence in your life? (Ans: Fountain head by Ayn Rand)
4.      Do you support Ayn Rand’s concept of individualism?
5.      What was Gandhiji’s model to develop India?
6.      Why did Gandhiji want to go for rural development?
7.      Why did India not develop along the lines of Gandhi’s model?
8.      Do you support Gandhi or Nehru model of development? Why?
9.      Was modern technology the reason for the decay of the Indian economy in the 19th century?
10. Do you think if we pursue the development of rural industries it would cause a decay of urban industries?
11. Having studied French in school can you talk and communicate in that language?
12. What are green buildings?
13. Who planned the city of Chandigarh? Name few of his other buildings.
14. Which building do you admire the most? What features of that building did you like?
15. Name a few Indian architects
16. With cities becoming concrete jungles can you provide some alternative to it?
17. Can low-cost sustainable technology be used in the development of our cities?
18. Which is the last amendment to the Indian constitution?
19. Having had so many amendments in a short span of time can we re-write the constitution?

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