Thursday 23 June 2011

Indian Civil Services Exam CSAT 2011 Paper II Questions 63-80

Indian Civil Services Exam CSAT 2011 Paper II Questions 63-80

63. In a queue, Mr. X is fourteenth from the front and Mr. Y is seventeenth from the end, while Mr. Z is exactly in between Mr. X and Mr. Y. If Mr. X is ahead Mr. Y and there are 48 persons in the queue, how many persons are then between Mr. X and Mr. Z?

(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 9

Ans: c

Directions for the following 9 (nine) items:

The following nine items (Questions 64 to 72) are based on three passages in English to test the comprehension of English language and therefore these items do not have Hindi version. Read each passage and answer the items that follow.


He walked several miles that day but could not get anything to eat or drink except some dry bread and some water, which he got from cottagers and farmers. As night fell, he slept under a haystack lying in a meadow. He felt frightened at first, for the wind blew awfully over the empty fields. He felt cold and hungry, and was feeling more lonely than he had ever felt before. He however, soon fell asleep, being much tired with his long walk. When he got up next day, he was feeling terribly hungry so he purchased a loaf of bread with a few coins that he had.

64. When the night fell, he slept

(a) in the open field
(b) under a pile of dry grass
(c) in a farmer's cottage
(d) under a tree

Ans: b

65. He soon fell asleep because

(a) he was exhausted
(b) he was all alone
(c) he had not slept for days
(d) he was very frightened

Ans: a

66. With reference to the passage, consider the following statements:

1. He was walking through the countryside,  
2. The cottagers and farmers gave his enough food so that he could sleep at night without feeling hungry.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: a

Passage - II

I opened the bag and packed the boots in ; and then , just as I was going to close it, a horrible idea occurred to meet Had I packed my toothbrush ? I don't know how it is, but I never do know whether I've packed my toothbrush. My toothbrush is a thing that haunts me when I'm travelling, an makes my life a misery, I dream that haven't packed it, and wake up in a col perspiration, and get out of bed and hur for it. And, in the morning, I pack it before I have used it, and it is always the last thing I turn out of the bag; and then repack and forget it, and have to rug upstairs for it at the last moment an carry it to the railway station, wrapped u in my pocket-handkerchief.

67. When he was going to close the bag, the idea that occurred to him was

(a) Unpleasant
(b) sad
(c) fantastic
(d) amusing

Ans: a

68. What makes his life miserable whenever he undertakes travelling?

(a) Going to railway station
(b) Forgetting the toothbrush
(c) Packing his bag
(d) Bad dreams

Ans: b

69. His toothbrush is finally

(a) in his bag
(b) in his bed
(c) in his handkerchief
(d) lost

Ans: c


In spring, polar bear mothers emerge from dens with three month old cubs. The mother bear has fasted for as long as eight months but that does not stop the young
from demanding full access to her remaining reserves. If there are triplets, the most persistent stands to gain an extra meal and it may have the meal at
the expense of others. The smallest of the litter forfeits many meals to stronger siblings. Females are protective of their cubs but tend to ignore family rivalry over
food. In 21 years of photographing polar bears, I've only once seen the smallest of triplets survive till autumn.

70. Female polar bears give birth during

(a) spring
(b) summer
(c) autumn
(d) winter

Ans: d

71. Mother bear

(a) takes sides over cubs
(b) lets the cubs fend for themselves
(c) feeds only their favourites
(d) see that all cubs get an equal share

Ans: b

72. With reference to the passage, the following assumptions have been made:

1. Polar bears fast as long as eight months due to non-availability prey.
2. Polar bears always give birth to triplets.

Which of the assumptions given above is/are valid?

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: d

Directions for the following 8 (eight) items:

Given below are eight items. Each item describes a situation and is followed by four possible responses. Indicate the response you find most appropriate. Choose only one response for each item. The responses will be evaluated based on the level of appropriateness for the given situation.

Please attempt all the items. There is no penalty for wrong answers for these eight items.

73. You have been asked to give an explanation for not attending an important official meeting. Your immediate boss who has not informed you about the meeting is now putting pressure on you not to place an allegation against him / her. You would

(a) send a written reply explaining the fact.
(b) seek an appointment with the top boss to explain the situation.
(c) admit your fault to save the situation.
(d) put the responsibility on the coordinator of the meeting for not informing.

Ans: a

74. A local thug (bad element) has started illegal construction on your vacant plot. He has refused your request to vacate and threatened you of dire consequences in case you do not sell the property at a cheap price to him. You would

(a) sell the property at a cheap price to him.
(b) go to the police for necessary action.
(c) ask for help from your neighbours.
(d) negotiate with the goon to get a higher price.

Ans: b

75. You have to accomplish a very important task for your headquarters within the next two days. Suddenly you meet with an accident. Your office insists that you complete the task. You would

(a) ask for an extension of deadline.
(b) inform Headquarters of your inability to finish on time.
(c) Suggest alternate person to headquarters who may do the needful.
(d) stay away till you recover.

Ans: c

76. You are an officer-in-charge for providing basic medical facilities to the survivors of an earthquake affected area. Despite your best possible effort, people put allegations against you for making money out of the funds given for relief. You would

(a) let an enquiry be set up to look into the matter.
(b) ask your senior to appoint some other person in your place.
(c) not pay attention to allegations.
(d) stop undertaking any initiative till the matter is resolved.

Ans: a

77. You have been made responsible to hire boats at a short notice to be used for an area under flood. On seeing the price mentioned by the boat owners you found that the lowest price was approximately three times more than the approved rate of the Government. You would

(a) reject the proposal and call for a fresh price.
(b) accept the lowest price.
(c)  refer the matter to the Government and wait.
(d) threaten the boat owners about a possible cancellation of the licence.

Ans: b

78. You are the officer-in-charge of a village administering distribution of vaccine in an isolated epidemic hit village, and you are left with only one vaccine. There is a requirement of that vaccine from the GramPradhan and also a poor villager. You are being pressurised by the Gram Pradhan to issue the vaccine to him. You would

(a) initiate the procedure to expedite the next supply without issuing the vaccine to either.
(b) arrange vaccine for the poor villager from the distributor of another area.
(c) ask both to approach a doctor and get an input about the urgency.
(d) arrange vaccine for the Gram Pradhan from the distributor of another area.

Ans: c

79. You have taken up a project to create night-shelters for homeless people during the winter season. Within a week of establishing the shelters, you have received complaints from the residents of the area about the increase in theft cases with a demand to remove the shelters. You would

(a) ask them to lodge a written complaint in the police station.
(b) assure residents of an enquiry into the matter.
(c) ask residents to consider the humanitarian effort made.
(d) continue with the project and ignore their complaint.

Ans: a

80. You, as an administrative authority, have been approached, by the daughter-in-law of an influential person regarding harassment by her in-laws on account of insufficient dowry. Her parents are not able to approach you because of social pressures. You would

(a) call the in-laws for an explanation.
(b) counsel the lady to adjust, given such a circumstance.
(c) take action after her parents approach you.
(d) ask her to lodge complaint with the police.

Ans: d

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