Wednesday 27 June 2012

TNPSC Group IV Exam 2011 Paper-Part 4

TNPSC Group IV Exam 2011 Paper-Part 4

151. Identify the compound sentence:

a) The farmer was old and so he could not plough the field himself
b) He is too tired to walk
c) After he had done the sums he went to bed
d) as he worked hard he completed the work

Answer: a

152. Identify the complex sentence:

a) He proved his innocence
b) He proved that he is innocent
c) Being innocent, he proved it
d) He was innocent so he proved it

Answer: b

153. Identify the complex sentence:

a) Hearing the footsteps they ran away
b) As the cat is away the mice are at play
c) He is old so he is weak
d) David is poor yet he is happy

Answer: b

154. Identify the complex sentence:

a) Be diligent and you will succeed
b) Be diligent or you will fail
c) Be diligent to succeed
d) Be diligent and you will be a success in life

Answer: c

155. Identify the sentence:
On account of heavy rain the match was cancelled.

a) compound
b) complex
c) simple
d) none of these

Answer: c

156. Identify the superlative degree:

a) Gold is the most precious metal
b) Gold is more precious than many other metal
c) Very few metals are precious as gold
d) Silver is not more precious than gold

Answer: a

157. Identify the superlative degree:

a) Action speeds louder than words
b) Leela is the oldest of the two sisters
c) Kumar is not so wise as Kannan
d) Kannan is wiser than kumar

Answer: b

158. Identify the degree:
There are few districts in India as hot as Nellore.

a) Comparative degree
b) positive degree
c) superlative degree
d) none of these

Answer: b

159. Identify the comparative degree:

a) Ravi is as strong as brother
b) This pony is better trained than yours
c) This temple is the biggest temple in India
d) No other bowler is as good as Ramesh

Answer: b

160. Identify the comparative degree:

a) Gandhiji is the greatest Indian leader
b) Your painting is worse than mine
c) Uranium is the heaviest of all elements
d) No Indian leader is as great as Gandhiji

Answer: b

161. Select the correct sentence:

a) If Raj had won the election, he would have become an M.P
b) If Raj had won the election, he will be an M.P
 c) If Raj had won the election, he would be an M.P
d) If Raj had won the election, he shall be an M.P

Answer: a

162. Select the correct sentence:

a) This is the house where Jack built
b) This is the house that Jack built
c) This is the house when Jack built
d) This is the house that Jack build

Answer: b

163. Select the correct sentence:

a) They found him guilty of murder
b) They found him guilty for murder
c) They found him guilty about murder
d) They found him guilty as murder

Answer: a

164. Select the correct sentence:

a) We hope to see him again
b) We hope to seeing him again
c) We hope that to see him again
d) We hope that to see him again

Answer: a

165. Select the correct sentence:

a) Generally I liked ice-cream
b) Generally I like ice-cream
c) Generally I did not like ice-cream
d) Generally I will like ice-cream

Answer: b

166. Find out the error:

The news  are  not good  at all
  A              B        C             D

Answer: b

167. Find out the error:

The three last chapters are difficult
            A            B             C     D

Answer: a

168. Find out the error:
Though he prepared well he fails
   A             B               C     D

Answer: d

169. Find out the error:

Bread and better are available here
   A              B        C      D

Answer: c

170. Find out the error:

Harishchandra was a honest king
    A                     B     C           D

Answer: c

171. Identify the sentence pattern;

They elected him their chairman yesterday
a) S V O C A
b) S V IO DO A
c) S V O A A
d) S V C A A

Answer: b

172. Identify the sentence pattern;

Our boss promoted him our manager
a) S V O C
b) S V IO DO
c) S V A A
d) S V O A

Answer: b

173. Identify the sentence pattern;

We find the sum difficult
a) S V O C
b) S V IO DO
c) S V C
d) S V O 

Answer: a

174. Identify the sentence pattern;

I chose her my wife last month
a) S V O C A
b) S V IO DO
c) S V O A
d) S V C A A

Answer: a

175. Identify the sentence pattern;

He sells apple
a) S V O A
b) S V IO DO
c) S V O
d) S V  A

Answer: c

176. Change the following verb into noun form:


a) Imaginative
b) Imaginary
c) imagination
d) Imagined

Answer: c

177. Change the following noun into verb form:


a) Known
b) Knowingly
c) Know
d) Knowing

Answer: c

178. Change the following noun into verb form:


a) nominative
b) nomination
c) nominate
d) nominal

Answer: c

179. Change the following adjective into adverb form:


a) sincerely
b) sincerity
c) sincereness
d) sincereful

Answer: a

180. Change the following adjective into adverb form:


a) quickness
b) quickful
c) quickly
d) quits

Answer: c

181. Select the correct question tag:
She seldom goes for swimming…………?

a) doesn’t she
b) does she
c) isn’t she
d) is she

Answer: b

182. Select the correct question tag:
I am not interested in politics…………?

a) amn’t
b) don’t I
c) do I
d) am I

Answer: d

183. Select the correct question tag:
This is the need  of the hour………..?

a) isn’t it
b) is it
c) need it
d) needn’t it

Answer: a

184. Select the correct question tag:
You like him………?

a) do you
b) doesn’t he
c) don’t you
d) doesn’t he

Answer: c

185. Select the correct question tag:
I am honest…………?

a) aren’t I
b) are I
c) am I
d) amn’t I

Answer: d

186. Select the correct tense form of the verb given in brackets:
I……….. (ask) im what is name was

a) asked
b) will ask
c) would ask
d) will asked

Answer: a

187. Select the correct tense form of the verb given in brackets:
If I ……….. (be) a dog, I would teach loyalty to men.

a) am
b) \were
c) is
d) was

Answer: b

188. Select the correct tense:
During my childhood, I ….. comedy shows

a) was watching
b) watched
c) used to watch
d) had watched

Answer: c

189. Select the correct tense:
She wishes that she …. The prime minister of India

a) is
b) was
d) will be

Answer: d

190. Select the correct tense:
When I arrived at the theatre, the movie…..

a) had already started
b) will be started
c) started
d) start

Answer: a

191. Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given below:
He worked for the cause of the destitute

a) poor
b) rich
c) substitute
d) divine

Answer: a

192. Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given below:

The convict disliked the meal.

a) drinks
b) liked
c) nibbles
d) sales

Answer: b

193. Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given below:
The battle of waterloo was won at the play fields of Eton

a) got
b) lost
c) succeeded
d) missed

Answer: b

194. Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given below:

I wanted to conquer my fear of red

a) weak
b) defeat
c) full
d) yield

Answer: d

195. Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given below:
Today multimedia presentation are enhanced with graphics

a) modernised
b) reduced
c) increased
d) arranged

Answer: b

196. Select the word with the correct prefix:

a) illegible
b) illtechno
c) illmarine
d) illviolence

Answer: a

197. Select the word with the correct prefix:

a) recash
c) encash
d) decash

Answer: c

198. Select the word with the correct suffix:

a) bookful
b) playful
c) roomful
d) hallful

Answer: b

199. Select the word with the correct suffix:

a) Cardiology
b) common logy
c) gang logy
d) philosophy

Answer: a

200. Select the word with the correct suffix:

a) heal
b) soal
c) nominal
d) Seal

Answer: c

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