Monday 23 September 2013

TNPSC Group 2 Exam- Free Model Exam paper-1-History Paper-Part 2

TNPSC EXAM-Group 2- Free  Model Test paper-1-History Paper-Part 2

26. Which one of the following do not belong to Later Vedic Period 
A. Rig Veda       
B. Sama Veda    
C. Atharvana Veda               
D) Yajur Veda     

Answer: A

27. The economic Status of the later Vedic period people were estimated based on  
A. Amount of Gold possession        
B. Amount of Agricultural production    
C. Number of Cattle owned                        
D) All the above      

Answer: C

28. The women who excelled in education in the later Vedic Period was/ were  
A. Gargi        
B. Maitreyi    
C. Kosa           
D) Both A & B          

Answer: D

29. Which one of the following animals was not known to Aryans?
A. Tiger         
B. Horses      
C. Dog             
D) Cow            

Answer: A

30. According to Jainism, Mahavira was?
A. 22nd Thirthangara        
B. 23rd Thirthangara          
C. 24th Thirthangara                         
D) 25th Thirthangara              

Answer: C

31. Which of the following Statement/s is/are true regarding vardhamana mahavira? 
1) Was born in Kundagramam
2) Father was Siddharatha
3) Mother was Yasodha
4) Wife was Trisala
5) Daughter was Anoja Priyadarshana   

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
B.1, 2 and 5 only
C. 2, 3, 4 and 5 only
D) 2, 3, 4 and 5 only   


Answer: B

32. Which one of the following is wrongly matched?
A. Ahimsa      - Non violence          
B. Satya         - Truth          
C. asatya       - Non Stealing                       
D) Aparigraha- Possession                

Answer: D

33. Which one of the following king was not a follower of Jainism?
A. Chandragupta Maurya          
B. kaligathu Karavelen           
C. Ashoka                  
D) Koon pandian                

Answer: C

34. Which of the following Statement/s is/are true regarding Buddhism? 
1) Four Lions of our National Emblem taken from Ashoka Pillar 
2) The Chakra in our national Flag is taken from Dharma Chakra of Ashoka
3) Many Buddha Viharas are there in Bihar 
4) National Bird Peacock is taken from Buddha Stupa  

A. 1, 2 and 4 only
B.1, 2 and 3 only
C. 1, 3 and 4 only
D) All the above    


Answer: B

35. Buddha Preached his first sermon at Sarnath, which is in?
A. Bihar          
B. Uttar Pradesh           
C. Nepal                     
D) Jharkhand                 

Answer: B

36. At the end of Vedic period, how many Mahajanapadas were there ?
A. 14          
B. 15           
C. 16                
D) 17                

Answer: C

37. Magadhan empire had different capitals for their Empire? Which one of the following is the correct order?
A. Siravasthi – Rajgir- Pataliputra    
B. Rajgir - Pataliputra – Siravasthi        
C. Pataliputra - Siravasthi – Rajgir             
D) Rajgir -   Siravasthi   -   Pataliputra            

Answer: A

38. Vajjian Confederacy had?
A. 14 groups         
B. 16 groups          
C. 18 groups              
D) 20 groups                 

Answer: C

39. Bimbisara belonged to?
A. Mauraya   Dynasty       
B. Nanda Dynasty          
C. Naga Dynasty       
D) Haryanka Dynasty                  

Answer: D

40. Sisunaga and Mahapadmanada belonged to?
A. Brahmin Community      
B. Kshatriya Community           
C. Vaishya Community 
D) Sudra Community                   

Answer: D

41. “He ended his life by fast unto death as a devout follower of Jainism at Saravanabelagola? Who was that king?
A. Chandragupta Maurya       
B. Samudragupta maurya           
C. Dhanananda   
D) Bhadrabagu                    

Answer: A

42. “He ended his life by fast unto death as a devout follower of Jainism at Saravanabelagola? Who was that king?
A. Chandragupta Maurya       
B. Samudragupta maurya           
C. Dhanananda   
D) Bhadrabagu                     

Answer: A

43. The term “Dig Vijaya” used by Ashoka was?
A. Conquest of the enemy       
B. Conquest of the war           
C. Conquest of the World
D) Conquest of others                     

Answer: C

44. Ashoka ascended the throne in?
A. BC 223        
B. BC 232           
C. BC 273
D) BC 255                     

Answer: C

45. During Medieval period of Indian History, Tomars wer ruling ?
A. Kanauj        
B. Delhi             
C. Chittor
D) Malwa                       

Answer: B

46. The Tripartite struggle to Capture was among?
1. Palas         
2. Rashtakutas            
3. Pratiharas
4 Chandellas                       

A. 1, 2 and 4 only
B.1, 2 and 3 only
C. 1, 3 and 4 only
D) 2, 3 and 4 only   


Answer: B

47. Match the Following

1. Kalhana                - a. Prithviraj Raso
2. Jeya Deva            - b. Rajatarangini
 3. Somadeva           - c. Gitagovindam
4. Chgand Bardai   - d. kathasaritasagar

            1          2          3          4
A.        a          b          c          d
B.        d          c          b          a
C.        b          c          d          a
D.        b          c          a          d

Answer: C

48. Rajputs contributed to the Language/s of?
A. Gujarati         
B. Marathi         
C. Bengali 
D) All the above                       

Answer: D

49. The famous temple “Khajuraho” was built by?
A. Tomars         
B. Chouhans          
C. Chandellas  
D) Rajputs                        

Answer: C

50. Which of the following statements is/are wrong to Rajputs?
1. They were great warriors          
2. Women preferred to death to dishonour             
3. Educated were given respect 
4 Child marriages and sati were practiced
5. Followed monogamy                        

A. 3 and 5 only
B.5 only
C. 2 and 5
D) 3 only    

Answer: B

50 A. Who was the founder of Pala Dynasty?
A. Gopala         
B. Dharmapala          
C. Devapala  
D) Mahipala                         

Answer: A

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