Saturday 12 April 2014

TNPSC Exams-Group IV and VAO-Previous Years analysed Questions-English-Parts of speech

TNPSC Group IV Analysis
TNPSC Group IV – Original Question Paper – 2008

27.     Find out the odd word (Verb):
A)   conductor
B)   character
C)   manner
D)   behave

Answer: D

28.     Find out the odd word (Adjective):
A)   neatly
B)   clearly
C)   stuffy
D)   purely

Answer: C

29.     Find out the odd word (Adverb):
A)   quickly
B)   prickly
C)   holy
D)   costly

Answer: A

30.     Find out the odd word (Noun):
A)   swim
B)   run
C)   flea
D)   walk

Answer: C

31.     Find out the odd word (Noun):
A)   early
B)   earlier
C)   earliest
D)   earliness

Answer: D

32.     Change the following Noun into Verb:
A)   flights
B)   flighty
C)   fly
D)   flys

Answer: C

33.     Change the following Verb into Noun:
A)   edited
B)   editorial
C)   edition
D)   edits

Answer: C

34.     Change the following Adjective into Adverb:
A)   intenser
B)   intensity
C)   intensely
D)   intensify

Answer: C

35.     Change the following Adjective into Adverb:
A)   fastly
B)   fastlier
C)   fast
D)   fasted

Answer: C

36.     Change the following Adjective into Adverb:
A)   continue
B)   continuously
C)   continued
D)   continuous

Answer: B

TNPSC Group IV – (Special Exam) – Original Question Paper – 2011

37.     Change the following verb into noun form:
A)   Possessive
B)   Possession
C)   Possessed
D)   to possess

Answer: B

38.     Change the following verb into noun:
A)   admitted
B)   admits
C)   admissible
D)   admission

Answer: D

39.     Change the following noun into verb form:
A)   combining
B)   combinable
C)   combo
D)   combine

Answer: D

40.     Change the following noun into verb:
A)   performer
B)   perform
C)   performing
D)   perfume

Answer: B

41.     Change the following adjective into adverb:
A)   danger
B)   endangered
C)   dangerously
D)   dangers

Answer: C

42.     Find the odd word (Adverb):
A)   dreams
B)   dreamer
C)   dreaming
D)   dreamily

Answer: D

43.     Find the odd word (Verb):
A)   memory
B)   memorably
C)   memorable
D)   memorize

Answer: D

44.     Find the odd word (Adverb):
A)   praise
B)   praiseworthily
C)   praiseworthiness
D)   praiseworthy

Answer: B

45.     Find the odd word (Adjective):
A)   strangely
B)   strange
C)   stranger
D)   strangle

Answer: B

46.     Find the odd word (Noun):
A)   reducible
B)   reduced
C)   reduction
D)   reduce

Answer: C


47.     Find the sentence in which in which the italicized word is used as an Adjective:
A)   I did not know his address.
B)   Address the gathering.
C)   Write your address here.
D)   He asked for the address proof.

Answer: D

48.     Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

                        Column A                             Column B
a)    They have a plan                         1. adjective
b)    I live here                                      2. noun
c)    She walks fast                              3. verb
d)    I have a gift wrapper                    4. adverb


              a          b          c          d
A)          1          4          3          2
B)          2          4          1          3
C)         2          3          1          4
D)         2          3          4          1

Answer: D

49.     Find out the part of speech that is not used in the given sentences:
           I. She gave us a present.
           II. We present her a gift every year.
           III. The present situation is worse.
           IV. The paper presented needs your attention.

A)   Noun
B)   Adverb
C)   Adjective
D)   Verb

Answer: B

50.     Match the following words given in Column A with their parts of speech in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below:      

            Column A                             Column B
a)    Abroad                               1. Adjective
b)    Blue                                   2. Noun
c)    Cartoon                             3. Adverb
d)    Dare                                   4. Verb


              a          b          c          d
A)          3          1          2          4
B)          1          2          3          4
C)         2          3          4          1
D)         3          4          1          2

Answer: A

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