Wednesday 15 May 2013

UPSC Exam-Civil Services Exam 2013-General Studies Model Test 2-Part 3

Civil Services Exam 2013-General Studies Model Test 2-Part 3

51. The British meanwhile adopted a new policy - the policy of carrot and stick. The three major components of this policy were outright repression, concessions to 'rally the moderates' and divide and rule. Find out the correct statement on this regard?
1. Separate electorate was introduced in the year 1909
2. As per the Indian council act of 1909, an Indian was to be appointed as a member of the Governor General's  Executive Council.
3. Balgangathar Tilak was arrested after Surat split
a) 1,2 & 3
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 2 only
d) 1 only

Answer: A

52. Find out the reason for the growing displeasure among the Muslims against British
1. The muslim political elite disappointed in December 1911 with the annulment of the partition, announced by George V at the Delhi Durbar.
2. Britain's refusal to help Turkey in the Italian and Balkan wars (1911-12)
3. The younger muslim intellectuals, the so called Young Party, got dissatisfied with the loyalist and slavish mentality of the upper class leadership of Muslim League.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) 1 & 2 only
d) 1,2 & 3

Answer: D

53.  In the early 19th century, European planters compelled the peasants to grow indigo on a part of their holding and to sell it to the planters at prices fixed by him. Who among the following persons accompanied by Gandhiji?
1. Gokhale
2. Rajendra Prasad
3. Mazhar-ul-Huq
4. J.B. kriplani
a) 1,2,3 & 4
b) 2,3 & 4 only
c) 1,2 & 3 only
d) 2 & 3 only

Answer: B

54. Gandhi's intervention in Ahmedabad in February-March 1918 was in a situation of purely internal conflict between the Gujarat mill-owners and their workers over the question of plague bonus of 1917. Find out the correct statement/s on this regard?
1. The employers wanted to withdraw it once the epidemic had passed.
2. The workers demanded a 75% wage hike in lieu of the plague bonus to take care of the rise in cost of living during the Water.
3. It was reduced under Gandhi's advice to 35% but the owner were willing to offer to 20%
4. The Ahmedabad strike of March 1918 under Gandhi's leadership is notable for his first use of the weapon of hunger strike
a) 1, 3&4 only
b) 1,2 & 3 only
c) 2,3 & 4 only
d) 1,2 3 & 4

Answer: A

55.  The years 1921-22 witnessed an unprecedented movement in the nation's history. Thousands of students left government schools and colleges and joined more than 800 national schools and colleges. Which among the following are those movements?
1. Jamia Milia Islammia
2. Bihar Vidyapeeth
3. Kashi Vidyapeeth
4. Gujarat Vidyapeeth
a) 1 & 3 only
b) 2 & 4 only
c) 1,2 3 & 4
d) None of the above

Answer: C

56. Gandhi's ultimatum of January 31 to Lord Irwin, contained demands in the form of 11 points. Which among the following are those points?
1. 25 % cut in army expenses and civil service salaries
2. release of political prisoners
3. lowering of Rupee-Sterling exchange ratio
4. 50% reduction in land revenue
a) 1,2,3 & 4
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1,2 & 3 only
d) 2,3 & 4 only

Answer: D

57. Find out the correct statement/s about Karachi Session of the Congress 1931
1. The Congress endorsed the Delhi pact and reiterated the goal of Purna Swaraj
2. It became memorable for its resolution on Fundamental rights
3. It passed resolution on National Economic Programme drafted by Dr. Rajendra Prasad
4. It maintained that 'culture, language and script of the minorities and of the different linguistic areas shall be protected'
a) 1,2,3 & 4
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 2 only
d) 2 only

Answer: A

58. The code name of Plan Balkan is related to
a) Surat Split
b) Disintegration of Serbians
c) Mountbatten Plan
d) Separate Tamil Elam

Answer: C

59. find out the name of period/epoch in which Birds, amphibians, small reptiles and fish present in large numbers. Primitive mammals and whales appeared
a) Eocene Epoch
b) Palaeocene Epoch
c)  Cretaceous Period
d) Jurassic Period

Answer: A

60. In this layer the temperature decreases with height like in the troposphere and it falls from about 0C at its base to about - 100 C at 80 km height. Generally it is considered the coldest layer of the atmosphere. Find out the name of atmosphere layer that is mentioned in the statement?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Ionosphere

Answer: C

61. Aurora is a luminous phenomenon observed in the atmosphere in the high latitude regions. It may appear as rolling lights or as coloured streaks and rays. Find out the correct statement/s about Aurora?
1. The aurora are produced by the entry of the charged particles from the sun into the earth's magnetic field
2. It occur at a height of about 1000 km.
3. This phenomenon is most frequent during the intense period of the sun spot cycle
4. The aurora are most frequently visible in areas about 20 from the magnetic poles.
a) 1,2,3 & 4
b) 1,2 & 3 only
c) 1,3 & 4 only
d) 1,2 & 4 only

Answer: C

62. Find out the correct statement/s about Trade Winds
1. North and south of doldrums covering the zone roughly between 5 and 30N and S are the belts of the trade winds.
2. Trade winds are caused by the pressure gradient from the subtropical belts of high pressure to equatorial low pressure
3. On the basis of the pressure gradient these winds should be blowing from north to south in the northern and southern hemisphere
4. Their directions being deflected due to the coriollis effect these winds blow from the northeast in the northern hemisphere and from the southeast in the southern hemisphere
a) 2 & 3 only
b) 1,2 &4 only
c) 1,2 3 & 4
d) None of the above

Answer: B

63. Which of the following are the hot winds
1. Mistral
2. Sirocco
3. Solano
4. Harmattan
a) 1,2,3 &4
b) 1,2 &3 only
c) 2 & 3 only
d) 2,3 &4 only

Answer: D

64. Winds are given various names on the basis of their velocity and a scale called Beufort Scale is fallowed for such a classification of winds. Pair up the correct measurement of velocity (km per hr) with the wind?
1.  51-61 km/hr  -  High wind
2. 62-74 km/hr -  Gale
3. 102-120 km/hr - whole gale
4. Over 120 - Hurricane
a) 1,2 & 4 only
b) 2,3 & 4 only
c) 1,2 & 3 only
d) 1,2,3 & 4

Answer: A

65.  Which of the following are the characteristics of Cold Front?
1. The quick uplift of the warm air leads to condensation and rainfall and snowfall
2. Due to the higher density of the cold air, the cold from advances at a rate faster than the rate of advance of the warm front
3. The slope of the cold front is much steeper than that of the warm front
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 only
d) 1,2 & 3

Answer: D

66.  It is second largest ocean and due to numerous indentations, it has the longest coastline. It resembles letter 'S' in shape. It has a large number of marginal seas and bays and the Mediterranean Sea is a large marginal sea of this ocean. Find out the name of the ocean that is mentioned in the statement
a) Indian Ocean
b) The Atlantic Ocean
c) The Pacific Ocean
d) The Arctic Ocean

Answer: B

67. Find out the reason for the lower salinity in the polar areas
1. the rate of evaporation here is very low
2. large amount of water is added through ice melt
3. Density of the water is very low
4. large number of rivers drained into the polar region
a) 1,2 3 & 4
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 2 only
d) 3 & 4 only

Answer: C

68. Which of the following are the examples of Palya Lake?
1. Lake Chad
2. Lake Sambhar
3. Lake Pulicut
4. Lake Chilka
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 3 & 4 only
d) 1,2,3 & 4

Answer: A

69. Arrange the following from North to South
1. Shimla
2. Dehradun
3. Lucknow
4. Patna
a) 4,3,2 & 1
b) 2,3,4,1
c) 3,4,1,2
d) 1,2,3,4

Answer: D

70. Find out the correct pair (committees of Constituent Assembly with their respective chairman)
1. Committee on the Rules of Procedure  -  Rajendra Prasad
2. House Committee - Jawaharlal Nehru
3. States Committee - B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya
4. North-East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam, Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas Sub- Committee  -  Gopinath Bardoloi
a) 1,2,3 & 4
b) 1 & 4 only
c) 1, 2 & 3 only
d) 2 & 3 only

Answer: B

71. Article 2 authorises the Parliament to admit into the Union or establish new states. It says that the Parliament may by law
1. form a new State by separation of territory from any State or by uniting two or more States, or parts of States
2. increase the area of any State
3. diminish the area of any state
4. alter the boundaries of any state
a) 1,2,3 &4
b) 2,3 & 4 only
c) 1,2 & 3 only
d) 2 & 3 only

Answer: A

72. Which of the following provisions can be amended with simple majority?
1. Provisions relating to the citizenship of India
2. Provisions relating to the exercise of executive power by a state
3. Provisions relating to the salaries and allowances of ministers
4. Provisions relating to any of the Lists in the Seventh Schedule
a) 1,2 & 4 only
b) 2,3 & 4 only
c) 1,2 & 3 only
d) 1,2,3 & 4

Answer: C

73. "Right of the President to make a declaration of emergency and promulgation of ordinances by the President, governors and administrative heads of union territories would be final and could not be challenged in any court of law." Which of the following amendment inserted the above said statement in the constitution?
a) Thirty fifth Amendment 1974
b) Thirty Sixth Amendment 1975
c) Thirty seventh Amendment 1975
d) Thirty eighth Amendment 1975

Answer: D

74. Which of the following statement is/are correct?
1. A person by reason of marriage alone cannot become a member of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe
2. Children born to inter caste marriage of which either father or mother belongs to SC/ST category can claim reservation benefits only on proof that they are subjected to some handicaps and disadvantages having been born as members of SC/ST.
a) 1 & 2
b) 1 only
c) 2 only
d) None of the above

Answer: A

75. find out the statements which are against the Right of Residence
1. The order to remove prostitutes from a place
2. Asking the foreigners to leave the country during emergencies
3. The order to vacate a house by the liquor shop
a) 1,2 & 3
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 2 only
d) 2 only

Answer: C

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