Tuesday, 14 February 2012

UPSC-CSE Main exam syllabus Dogri Paper 1


History of Dogri Language and Literature

(Answers must be written in Dogri)


History of Dogri Language

1. Dogri language : Origin and development through different stages.
2. Linguistic boundaries of Dogri and its dialects.
3. Characteristic features of Dogri language.
4. Structure of Dogri Language :

(a) Sound Structure : Segmental : Vowels and Consonants
Non-Segmental : Length, Stress, Nasalization, Tone and Juncture.
(b) Morphology of Dogri :
(i) Inflection Categories : Gender, Number, Case, Person, Tense and Voice.
(ii) Word Formation : use of prefixes, infixes and suffixes.
(iii) Vocabulary : Tatsam, tadbhav, foreign and regional.
(c) Sentence Structure : Major Sentence - types and their constituents,  agreement and concord in Dogri syntax.

5. Dogri Language and Scripts : Dogre/ Dogra Akkhar, Devanagari and Persian.


History of Dogri Literature :

1. A brief account of Pre-independence Dogri Literature : Poetry & Prose.
2. Development of modern Dogri Poetry and main trends in Dogri Poetry.
3. Development of Dogri short-story, main trends & prominent short-story writers.
4. Development of Dogri Novel, main trends & contribution of Dogri Novelists.
5. Development of Dogri Drama & contribution of prominent Playwrights.
6. Development of Dogri Prose : Essays, Memoirs & Travelogues.
7. An introduction to Dogri Folk literature - Folk songs, Folk tales & Ballads.

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