Saturday 31 May 2014

TNPSC Group I Exam-Previous Year Question Paper-Subject wise Analysed Questions-Science-Part 9

TNPSC Group I Exam-Previous Year Question Paper-Subject wise Analysed Questions-Science-Part 9

201.    Identical twins are produced when
 A)  one sperm is fertilized with two eggs
B)   one egg is fertilized with two sperms
C)   one fertilized egg is divided into two blastomers and separated                    
D)   two eggs are fertilized with two sperms

Answer: (C)

202.    In human 47 number of chromosomes (22A + XXY) is resulted in
            A)        Down’s syndrome   
            B)        Klinefelter’s syndrome
            C)        Turner’s syndrome
D)        Edward’s syndrome

Answer: (B)

203.    Which vaccine should be given to the newborn within 15 days of birth?
            A)        ‘O’ Polio                                 B)        DPT
            C)        MMR vaccine                        D)        Measles vaccine

Answer: (A)

204.    Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the
codes given below:
                        List I                                       List II
            a)         A,B,O blood group               1.  Example for point mutation
b)         Bald head in man                  2.  Dihybrid cross
            c)         Sickle cell anaemia              3.  Multiple alleles
d)         Independent assortment      4.  Sex influenced genes

                        a          b          c          d
            A)        4          3          2          1
            B)        3          4          1          2
            C)        2          1          4          3
            D)        1          2          3          4

Answer: (B)

205.    Consider the following statements:
            i)          ADH is secreted by adenohypophysis
            ii)         ADH is secreted by infundibulum
            iii)        ADH is secreted by neurohypophysis
iv)        ADH is secreted by pineal gland

Of the statements:
A)        (i) and (ii) are correct
B)        (ii) alone is correct
C)        (iii) alone is correct
D)        (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct   

Answer: (C)

206.    Consider the following statements:
Assertion  (A)           :  The sperm contains centriole in the neck
            Reason (R)               :   Centrioles are important for sperm count

            Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below:
            A)        Both (A) and (R) are false
            B)        A is true, but (R) is false
            C)        Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct reason
            D)        Both  (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct reason

Answer: (A)

207.    Credit for starting space Science Research in India goes to
            A)        Homi J. Bhaba                      B)        V. Sarabhai
            C)        C.V. Raman                          D)        S.S. Bhatnagar

Answer: (B)

208.    Consider the following statements:

Assertion  (A) :  The space shuttle in which Kalpana chawla, the Indian born  American Scientist travelled, when reentered into the Earth Atmosphere was burnt

Reason (R) :  The space shuttle had the nose cap (made of  ceramics) damages.

            Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below:
            A)        (A) and (R) are not correct
            B)        (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct
            C)        (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is the correct explanation
            D)        (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation

Answer: (C)

209.    Which of the following is NOT correct?
            Mixing of alcohol with petrol.
            A)        saves foreign exchange    
            B)        is ecofriendly
            C)        supports sugar industry
D)        prevents the possible of adulteration

Answer: (D)

210.    Uranium enrichment is concerned with
            A)        Cube                          B)        Israel
            C)        Iran                             D)        South Korea

Answer: (C)

211.    The plants which possesses anticancerous activity is
            A)        Seetha                                   B)        Polyalthia
            C)        Teak                                       D)        Murungai

Answer: (A)

212.    The marine algae commercially exploited for the production of ‘agar’ is
            A)        Sargassum                            B)        Gracilaria
            C)        Laminaria                              D)        Caulerpa

Answer: (B)

213.    In India AIDS was first reported in
            A)        1932                                       B)        1986
            C)        1990                                       D)        1992

Answer: (B)

214.    Biologists celebrated every year 5th June as
            A)        World Water Day
B)        World Environment Day
            C)        W.H.O. Day
D)        World Population Day

Answer: (B)

215.    Which one of the following is correctly matched?
            A)        FORTRAN                    -  Typing a text
B)        COBOL                        -  Mathematical calculations
            C)        WORDSTAR               -  Business calculations
D)        EXCEL                        -  Tabulation

Answer: (D)

216.    In computers, 1KB and 1MB are respectively equal to
            A)        1000 bytes and 100 kilobytes                                           
B)        1024 bytes and 1000 kilobytes
            C)        1000 bytes and 10,000 bytes
D)        1024 bytes and 100 kilobytes

Answer: (B)

TNPSC GROUP – I Exam- 2000
(Preliminary-Original Question paper)

217.    That the earth is almost spherical, was first stated by
            A)        Ptolemy                                  B)        Aryabhatta
            C)        Phythagoras                         D)        Copernicus

Answer: (A)

218.    The correct sequence in decreasing order of the proposition of the given gases in the atmosphere is
            A)        argon, carbon dioxide, oxygen                                         
B)        carbon dioxide, oxygen, argon
            C)        oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide
D)        argon, oxygen, carbon dioxide

Answer: (C)

219.    The forms of matter are
            A)        3                                              B)        4
            C)        5                                              D)        7

Answer: (B)

220.    Refrigeration is a process which
            A)        kills bacteria                                     
B)        slows down the bacterial growth
            C)        inactivates the bacteria
D)        plasmolyses the bacteria

Answer: (B)

221.    The weather map telecast in TV is photographed by the satellite
orbiting at a height of
            A)        36,000 km                              B)        3,600 km
            C)        3,600 miles                            D)        360 km

Answer: (D)

222.    The units for work and energy is
            A)        Joule                                      B)        Newton
            C)        Coulomb                                D)        Dioptre

Answer: (A)

223.    The function of pace-maker is
            A)        regulation of urine formation                    
            B)        regulation of digestion
            C)        initiation of heartbeat
            D)        initiation of respiration

Answer: (C)

224.    Einstein got the Nobel Prize for
            A)        Relativity                          B)        Photo-electric effect
            C)        Polarisation                     D)        Radioactivity

Answer: (A)

225.    Asia’s biggest astronomical telescope is at
            A)        Kavanur                                 B)        Kodaikanal
            C)        Bangalore                             D)        New Delhi

Answer: (A)

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