Sunday 31 March 2013

Agriculture notes prepared by IAS Topper for all agriculture based competitive exams-Physiology-Fruit Ripening

 Fruit Ripening

 Changes during fruit ripening
 Bio-chemical Changes:

a). Softening: Cell wall degrading enzymes become active and degrade the cell wall of the fruit tissues. Pectinases, polygalacturanase, cellulase, hemicellulase etc. are some of the enzymes found more active during this phase of fruit ripening.

b). Hyderolytic conversion of reserve food materials into edible sugars like fructose, glucose etc.

c). Change in pigments and flavour: In presence of light and phytochrome, chlorophyll is degraded by chlorophyllase, thereby changing the colour of the fruits. Many of the phenolic and other astringent materials disappear and fruits become edible

Respiratory climatric:
During ripening of fruits, respiration rate increases and based on it, fruits are grouped into climatric and non-climatric fruits.
The most important hormone involved in regulation of fruit ripening is Ethylene. The amount of this hormone increases as the fruit advances to ripening.

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