Sunday 31 March 2013

Agriculture notes prepared by IAS Topper for all agriculture based competitive exams-Physiology-Respiration


Formation of Glycerol
Basic material: Dyhydroxy Aceton Phosphate
During this process, COA plays an important role.

Fatty acid + COA---- FA-COA complex
FA-COA complex + Glycerol------------Lipid + COA
Saponification: The reverse process of condensatin, where in the lipid is degraded into fatty acid and glycerol. Then fatty acid and glycerol undergoes oxidation separately

Fatty acid Oxidation: it happens in three different ways
  1. Beta-oxidation
  2. Alpha-oxidation
  3. Peroxidation
Beta-oxidation is the most important process of all these above process. Let us see it to some extent
Mechanism: COA plays important role in the oxidation of fatty acids. Its addition with a lipid molecule and repeated hydration and dehydration results in separation of one acetyl COA at each cycle.
Lipid---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Acetyl COA

Glyoxylic acid cycle

Once acetyl COA if formed, the energy is obtained by following steps.
Acetyl COA-------- Succinic acid
Succinic acid-------- Oxaloacetic acid
Ocalo acetic acid-------- Sugar/Sucrose
Sugar/sucrose----------- Energy

These steps clearly show that the process is just a reverse of the Glycolysis and Kreb cycle.

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