Monday 25 March 2013


TNPSC - GROUP – 1 – 2013 EXAM HELD ON 16.02.13
1.      An alkaline earth metal M forms covalent compounds. It form water soluble sulphate MSO4 and water insoluble hydroxide M(OH)1 which is amphoteric in nature. The metal M is
         A)  Calcium
         B)  Berylhum
         C)  Magnesium
         D)  Strontium

          Answer: B

2.      Consider the following statements
          I. Diamond is bad conductor of electricity
          II. Graphite is used for making electrodes of electric furnaces
          III. Solid carbon monoxide is known as dry ice
          IV. Carbondioxide turns moist red litmus slightly bluish.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
A)   I and III
B)   II and III
C)   I and II
D)   III and IV

Answer: C

3.      Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below:        
          List I (Ores)                             List II (Metals)
(a)  Haematite                          1. Lead
(b)  Cinnabar                            2. Iron
(c)  Calamine                           3. Mercury
(d)  Galena                               4. Zinc

                        (a)       (b)       (c)        (d)
          (A)         2          3          4          1
          (B)         3          2          1          4
          (C)         2          4          3          1
          (D)         4          2          1          3


Answer: A

4.      Differentiate Teratogen from Mutagen
A)   Teratogen is a chemical that causes malformation in an embryo or foetus while Mutagen causes change in genetic material of the adult
B)   Teratogen causes cancer while Mutagen causes mutation
C)   Teratogen causes heart failure while Mutagen is carcinogenic
D)   Teratogen causes abnormality in the adults while Mutagen affects infants

Answer: A

5.      Columns of Bertini in the kidneys of mammals are formed as extensions of
A)    Medulla into cortex
B)    Cortex into medulla
C)    Medulla into pelvis
D)    Pelvis into ureter

          Answer: B

6.      Which of the following is/are correctly matched?
          (i)    Arteotis                  -           Inflammation of artery
          (ii)   Occlusion             -           Closure of blood vessel
          (iii)  Thrombectomy     -           Removal of blood clot from a blood vessel

A)   All the three are correct
B)   Only (i) is correct
C)   Only (ii) is correct
D)   Only (iii) is correct

Answer: A

7.      Which of the following statements in not associated with biocommunication in animals?

A)    They are signs through chemical molecules
B)    It is a mechanism of vocalization as seen between competing bird species
C)    Associated with social conflict of organism between same species
D)    It is production of pheromones as between various species of insects

Answer: C

8.      Assertion (A) On rainy day small oil film on water show brilliant colours
          Reason(R)      This is due to polarization of light.
A)   Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B)     Bothe (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C)     (A) is true but (R) is false
D)     (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer: C

9.      A particle motion is given by distance – time curve as shown in the figure. The maximum instantaneous velocity of the particle is around the point.
(A) P                  (B)  Q               (C)  R               (D)  S

Answer: C

10.     Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using codes given below:
                        List I                                                         List II
                 (Culture Realms)                                      (Culture Areas)
(a)  The occidental                                          1.         Korea
(b)  The main Islamic                                      2.         Anglo – America
(c)  The Indic                                                    3.         Jordan
(d)  East Asia                                                    4.         Nepal
(a)                    (b)                   (c)                    (d)
(A)          3                      2                      1                      4
(B)          2                      3                      4                      1
(C)          1                      4                      2                      3
(D)          3                      1                      4                      2

Answer: B

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